Custom Fields are valuable for gathering necessary customer information before appointments and are also known as Extra Form Fields or Intake Forms. You have the option to create questions or inputs that will be incorporated into the final stage of the booking form.
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You can choose between several types of inputs:
- Text – a short text field that allows your customers to enter text, such as descriptions or notes. It is limited to 255 characters.
- Text Area – similar to a text field but allows for larger amounts of text to be entered. It is limited to 1.000 characters.
- Text Content – contains the information displayed in the form. It can include text used for descriptions, instructions, messages, or any other textual information provided to users.
- Selectbox – allows users to choose an option from a predefined list. It presents a dropdown menu with a list of options, and users can select one option from the list.
- Checkbox – presents options as checkboxes. Users can select one or more checkboxes to indicate their choices.
- Radio Button – presents options as radio buttons. Users can select only one option from the list of choices presented. This type of field is commonly used when you want users to select a single option from a set of mutually exclusive choices.
- Date Picker – allows users to select a date from a calendar widget. Users can click on the field to open a calendar interface where they can choose a specific date.
- Address – a specialized field that integrates with Google Maps to assist users in inputting addresses accurately. When users start typing an address, the field utilizes Google Maps’ autocomplete feature, providing suggestions in a dropdown menu based on the entered text.