How to Start an Online Tutoring Business and Be Successful

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You can make a lot of money in the online tutoring business. Online tutoring is a fast growing field. This growth and the fast logistics of the internet have resulted in many technological innovations. Because internet connection is widely available, most people prefer online tutoring.

Tutors too have discovered the benefits of online tutoring. It provides ample rewards and it is a lot of fun. They work with students from many different geographical locations and cultural backgrounds. Still, they can provide the benefits of one-on-one tutoring and help students reach their full potential.

These reflect the beneficial impact that starting your own online tutoring business can have on you. You can make money and help others from the comfort of your home.

So, how do I start an online tutoring business? This brief guide will show you the tips and tricks to help you offer tutoring services.

Why You Should Start an Online Tutoring Business

The online tutoring industry is growing fast. It is replacing many of the traditional tutoring approaches. This shift in tutoring methods has resulted in new business opportunities. The list below gives several reasons why starting an online tutoring business now is a good idea.

  • More potential clients. Online you can look for and tutor students from all over the world. You won’t be limited to your area..
  • Lower costs. The costs of an online tutoring business are much lower. You don’t need to spend on transport, office rent, maintenance, and more.
  • High flexibility. Online tutoring is very flexible. Many have managed to schedule their work around a personal or business schedule.
  • Access to customer data. Several online tutoring platforms let you collect relevant customer data. This data is useful for planning marketing strategies for your own business.
  • Constant demand. Because receiving tutoring online is very convenient, many prefer it over in-person classes. The demand for good tutors continues to grow.

By offering online tutoring sessions you fill the needs of many families. For students, these sessions can determine the outcome of their careers. So, if you want to help others reach their potential, tutoring is the right choice for you.

Requirements to Start a Tutoring Business

Understanding the requirements is key to knowing how to start an online tutoring business. Tutors should be experts in their field and professional teachers. It requires a high school diploma and tutoring certifications.


Although it helps, most of the time tutors don’t need much more than just a high school diploma.

If you want to work in a school or any other educational institution, you will need some form of advanced education. Teacher’s aide certificates or an associate’s degree in teacher preparation prove to be very useful in this regard. Although these are the most common, there are many other options.


Certificates are not always a requirement for tutors. Still, they increase the chance of finding higher-paying jobs.

The kind of certificate that you can get depends on the country where you live. Different institutions provide different kinds of certifications.

Yet, a tutoring certification increases your credibility as a tutor and makes you more trustworthy to parents. The training to get a certification also helps tutors improve the quality of their teaching.

Teaching Experience

As a tutor, you should be an expert in the matter that you teach. It is true that you will learn most by experience ad this is what will add value to your services.

Experience will teach you how to approach a certain student and how to best help them. Experience will help you be more effective at knowing how and when to use the techniques you learned during your training.

Engagement and Collaboration

This point is key to understanding how to start an online tutoring business.

It is so important because you need to identify the issues that your students are facing. Besides, the teacher-student interaction is important in motivating students to get do the best they can and engaged.

Make a Smart Business Plan

The business plan for your tutoring business contains all the details about how you are going to run it. You will want to make a business plan that is sustainable and requires some forethought. At first, your ideas may be vague but, by writing them down,  your plan will become clearer.

A tutoring business plan includes:

  • Goals you want to achieve and when you want to reach them
  • Anticipated expenses
  • Marketing strategies
  • Type of tutoring business model
  • If you will hire other tutors
  • Your monetization strategy

There are many more things you can include, depending on your circumstances.

A typical business plan follows a certain organization:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Description of the Company
  3. Market Overview
  4. Sales and Marketing Strategy
  5. Operating Plan
  6. Organization and Management
  7. Finances


Many new tutors make the mistake of trying to please everyone by presenting themselves as broadly as possible. Their idea is that they want to target as many potential students as they can. They think that this will give them a higher chance to get students.

It is true that through the internet you have millions of potential students. But there is also a lot of competition and many tutors are trying to get the attention of potential clients. By not targeting a specific client, you are fighting with thousands of tutors for only a few students.

If you don’t offer specialized tutoring services there is only one way to win the battle, lowering your prices.  However, this will lead to little reward for your hard work.

You can avoid this exhausting fight by choosing the right niche within your field of expertise. There are several ways in which you can do this. Here are some examples of English tutors:

  • By level:
    • For kids
    • For middle school students
    • For adults
    • As a second language
  • By module:
    • Listening
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • By certification
    • GMAT
    • IELTS
    • TOFEL

Market Research and Analysis of Competition

By doing a little bit of research you will understand the market better. It gives you an idea of the required qualifications, age, income level, and more. You will learn what your potential students like and what they don’t like. That puts you in a position to offer better services as an online tutor.

How can you do market research? Here are some tips:

  • Facebook. School-going children use Facebook to stay in touch with friends and discuss what they find important.
  • Schools. You can learn what subjects students take in school and what they struggle with.
  • Other tutors. What are common subjects that tutors offer? Are there any subjects that few tutors offer?
  • Your area. What is the general financial situation of families with children? How much would they be willing to pay for an online tutor?

Don’t hesitate to do some research on your local competition. There is a lot that you can learn from them:

  • Pricing. Go to their websites and look at how much they charge. That gives you an idea of how much you can ask for your own tutoring business.
  • Reviews and testimonials. You can check your competition’s website or review pages.
  • Students. Ask students about teaching approaches and other relevant topics.
  • Marketing strategy. You can learn about this from their websites.
  • Unique selling points. Again, look at your competition’s websites.

Determine the Execution of the Course

This is a very important stage in building your tutoring business. So, take your time to define your teaching method. Your method depends on your preferences but, more so, on your potential students.

  • Consider how long your course lasts and how much material you can cover in that time. Do not overload your students.
  • Have a clear aim with your course and each course module. That helps to stay focused.
  • Develop a Learning Management System (LMS). This system defines how you manage, plan, and execute your teaching schedules in the most efficient way.

These are important steps for any kind of tutor. But if you have an online tutoring business, you need to think of some other things as well, such as how you will conduct your classes:

  • Synchronous tutoring. Both the tutor and the student connect at the same time for this type of classes.
  • Asynchronous tutoring. Students and tutors do not connect. The teacher uploads course material and the student can access it whenever they want.
  • Combination tutoring. This is a combination of the two methods above. You can decide how much time you want to dedicate to both areas.

Set Up a Dedicated Home Classroom

When you decide to tutor from home you get to decide how you want to set up your teaching environment. You will spend a lot of time sitting down, so invest in a good ergonomic chair and an adjustable desk.

Your workspace must be free of noise and appropriate for its purpose. If this is impossible at home, just join some shared workspace where you will be able to book professional meeting rooms for your lessons using their coworking software.

Have books and teaching props at hand. This includes pens, paper, and other writing utensils. You also need enough space to work and grade the work of your students.

If you tutor online, it is logical that your technical hardware works well. It is your primary tool as an online tutor. So, ensure that you have a stable internet connection and that your computer’s configuration is optimal for its purpose.

Because you need to interact with your students, you need to have a good webcam and microphone. Take time each day to check sound and image. Some tutors like to have an extra tablet or drawing pad for easy use of a virtual whiteboard.

Use The Best Class Scheduling Software

Looking to convert visitors into customers with minimal effort? The best class scheduling software, like Trafft, is your perfect solution.

With Trafft, you can generate an online booking page in just minutes—no coding skills required! Plus, you get an easily shareable booking form, making it simple for customers to book appointments directly through your website or through various other channels.

But Trafft is more than just a scheduling tool; it’s a comprehensive tutoring business management software and digital partner that covers multiple aspects of running a business.

Trafft recognized as the best free appointment scheduling software on Capterra

Here’s why tutoring business owners rely on Trafft to elevate their processes and businesses:

  • Automatic Online Payment Processing: Process payments and refunds seamlessly through multiple providers.
  • Two-Way Calendar Sync: Sync with external calendars like Google Calendar and Outlook.
  • Easy CTA Booking Page Creation: Set up a call-to-action booking page with just a few clicks.
  • Flexible Booking Options: Offer group bookings, recurring appointments, and multiple locations.
  • Social Media Integration: Share available time slots across your social media accounts.
  • Client Management: Send customizable email and SMS notifications and reminders.
  • Discount/Loyalty Programs: Manage appointments with discount and loyalty coupons.
  • Business Performance Insights: Get in-depth overviews using key performance indicators.
  • Easy Rescheduling: Allow clients to reschedule their appointments with ease.
  • Comprehensive Management: Manage bookings, employees, locations, services, schedules, and more.

Don’t wait! Sign up for Trafft for free and experience the transformation it brings to your tutoring operations!

Besides good hardware, you need the appropriate software. No matter what subject you tutor in, you should at least have the following:

  • Video Conferencing Software. Since the Covid pandemic, some excellent choices have entered the market. With platforms such as Trafft, you can schedule meetings in advance and send out meeting links. Some video conferencing platforms have a share screen option, which is useful for demonstrations.
  • Virtual Whiteboard Software. You can draw, write, and display diagrams on a digital whiteboard. You can do this by using a mouse but a tablet or a drawing pad.
  • Document Sharing Software. There are various free tools for doing this, such as Google Docs. You can share and work on a document together at the same time. Google Classroom offers several advanced features for document sharing. With it, you can make a central course material hub.

Establish an Online Presence

Having a strong online presence makes your tutoring business more credible. It makes a professional impression on parents and students. There are different things you can do to make your tutoring services more visible online:

  • Google My Business. Google gets almost three billion hits every day. So listing your tutoring business on Google My Business will improve your local and international SEO.
  • Book with Google. This is a great help for local and online businesses. Visitors of the Google website can book appointments with you. You get new clients and fewer no-shows.
  • Business Website. A professional website will bring in more students and increase your credibility. You can add what you want. Include things like tutoring services and testimonials.
  • Social Media. This is the right place to find new clients like college and high school students. Think about what platforms your target customers use and get an account. On your page, you can add stories about your work and related content. The more people notice you, the more clients you will get. Also, add a link to your website and include your contact details.
  • Online directories. Online directories increase your tutoring business’ online presence. You can use directories such as:
    • Craiglist
    • Google My Business
    • Yahoo! Local
    • Yelp

These are well-known directories and can benefit your tutoring business. Parents and students can leave reviews that will help your business even further. Here you can see a couple of examples of effective directory tutoring listings. You can see how reviews add credibility to the tutoring business.

Establish Your Price Levels

On average, online tutoring rates are lower than in-person rates. That is because the online tutoring business is international and does not depend on local availability. The upside of having online tutoring sessions is that you have very few expenses. For example, you don’t need to rent office space.

When you start a tutoring business you can charge a little less. The average hourly rate for beginning online tutors is $30-$40. When you are more qualified and experienced you can charge $50 or more per hour.

You could offer package deals. This works best if you have lots of university and college students. It is a personal choice whether you offer packages or not but you need to be fair to yourself and your students.

Before setting your prices, you should have a look at what others in your field of expertise charge. Also, consider what kind of business expenses you will have. Expenses include software, taxes, and class preparation time.

How to Receive Payments

If you teach online, you need to receive payments online as well. There are two main options:

  1. Merchant accounts
  2. Payment Service Providers

Setting up a merchant account takes more time because it involves an initial review. That also makes merchant accounts more reliable and it is less probable for your account to get suspended. Another advantage is that you can negotiate the rates for payment processing. To use a merchant account, you need to set up a payment gateway. This gateway connects your merchant account with your website.

Payment Service Providers (PSPs) are easier to set up but this comes at the cost of account stability issues. Most PSPs will accept anyone right away and then review the merchant. If the PSP finds your account too risky, you might lose your account after some time.

Student Retention

The last tips on this list concern student retention. Before you start a tutoring business online, you need to think about building and retaining your client base. Student retention determines the success of your online tutoring platform. Be creative and think out of the box to keep your students interested in your tutoring approach.

Some tutoring business owners have found the following suggestions useful:

  • Get guest lecturers.
  • Make good use of animations and storytelling.
  • Include fun pop quizzes.
  • Stimulate group discussions.
  • Keep knowledge-building central in all projects and assignments.
  • Let students present sessions.
  • Keep teacher-student interaction This is very important in virtual settings.

Prepare for the Challenges of Online Tutoring

Every industry has its particular challenges. That is no different in the online tutoring services industry.

As an online tutor, you need to adapt to the needs and preferences of your clients. Many of your students will be in school or at work during the day. That means that you will often have to work late afternoons and evenings. College and university students have even less availability.

Building a successful tutoring business also requires a lot of patience. Most of your students struggle with the subject you teach. Besides patience, you need to have the insight to understand your students’ abilities. Your goal is to reach their full potential and that means that you need to help them with the things they struggle with.

Patience is key but you can also become a better teacher by learning different teaching methods. What works for one student, may not work for another. You need to figure out what method works best for a student. It is your responsibility to teach them in the best way you can.

FAQs about starting an online tutoring business

1. How do I create a website for my online tutoring business?

You can utilize website builders like WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, or Weebly to make a website for your online tutoring business.

These systems let you build a professional-looking website without knowing any code thanks to their configurable templates, drag-and-drop interfaces, and an assortment of plugins and integrations. To create a website specifically for you, you can also hire a web designer or developer.

2. What technology do I need to start an online tutoring business?

You’ll also need software or tools for video conferencing and online teamwork, as well as a dependable internet connection and a computer or laptop with a camera and microphone. Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams are a few common choices for video conferencing. You can utilize tools like Google Docs, Dropbox, or Evernote for online collaboration.

3. How do I set my pricing for my online tutoring services?

You should take into account things like your expertise, credentials, the demand for your services, and the price of your resources and goods when determining your pricing. You can compare your cost to that of other online tutors in your specialty after conducting market research. Discounts for large orders or referral schemes are further options.

4. How do I advertise my online tutoring business?

By setting up social media profiles, developing an email list, employing paid advertising on sites like Facebook or Google Ads, and networking with other experts in your field, you may promote your online tutoring business. You may also use reviews and recommendations from students to establish credibility and trust with prospective customers.

5. How do I find and attract students to my online tutoring business?

Utilizing social media platforms, writing SEO-friendly content for your website, offering free trial sessions, delivering value through blog posts or embed YouTube videos on website, offering free trial sessions, and networking with other professionals in your niche are all ways to find and draw students to your online tutoring business. Also, you might provide referral programs and compensate current students who refer new customers.

6. What subjects or skills should I focus on teaching in my online tutoring business?

Your online tutoring business’s primary subjects or skills should be in line with your experience and credentials. Also, you can conduct research and find high-demand niches in fields like STEM or test preparation. You can also modify your offerings to better suit various age groups or learning preferences.

7. How do I create engaging and effective lesson plans for online tutoring sessions?

You should include interactive activities, multimedia materials, and individualized feedback in your lesson plans to make them useful and engaging for online tutoring sessions.

You can monitor student progress using learning management systems or adaptive learning tools, and then change your teaching strategy as necessary.

8. How do I handle technical issues during an online tutoring session?

You should have backup plans, such as alternative communication channels or lesson plans, troubleshoot typical issues, like audio or video hiccups, and give clear instructions or tutorials on how to use the software or tools in order to manage technical difficulties during online tutoring sessions. Also, you ought to have a strategy in place in case of emergencies, such as internet or power outages.

9. What are the legal requirements for starting an online tutoring business?

Depending on where you live and the services you plan to provide, there may be different legal requirements for launching an online tutoring business.

To protect yourself and your clients, you should investigate local laws and regulations, abide by them, acquire any appropriate licenses or permissions, and think about purchasing liability insurance.

10. How do I manage scheduling and payments for my online tutoring business?

With scheduling software like Calendly or Acuity, or by incorporating scheduling and payment capabilities into your website or video conferencing platform, you may handle scheduling and payments for your online tutoring business.

You should also provide a variety of payment alternatives, such as credit cards or PayPal, and provide explicit regulations for cancellations, rescheduling, and refunds.

How to Start an Online Tutoring Business – Conclusions

Working from the comfort of your home sounds good, doesn’t it? Tutoring can be very profitable and rewarding.

But, many wonder how to start an online tutoring business. Starting your own business is easy. Start-up costs are low and there are few requirements. You can set up a tutoring business in little time.

You can even think about online tutoring as a side job. Teaching experience is always a valuable skill, no matter what field you work in. And no matter what you teach, you will always find a niche that you can work in.

Yet, when you start a tutoring business, you should be smart about it. Take your time and think about what the most profitable niche is for you. Get the right tools and build a strong online presence.

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Nevena Ilic

Nevena Ilic