How To Sell Personal Training To Potential Clients

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As all personal trainers know, a good exercise routine takes consistency. The same is true for how to sell personal training packages to clients.

Personal trainers need to be consistent in their efforts to attract new clients and sell training packages.

To start the sales process personal trainers need to start a conversation. The internet has provided a new and effective way to start a conversation with many people.

Most personal trainers start a conversation by offering a free training session. Or they provide free advice to potential clients.

The sales conversation does not end when someone makes a purchase. The conversation is the beginning of a relationship.

When personal trainers focus on building relationships they have more success. Clients need to trust the personal trainer and feel like they care about them.

The first step in the sales process is to start a conversation and the end goal is a relationship with the client. What are the steps in between?

This guide on how to sell personal training will review the simple steps that lead to success. These steps apply to in-person trainers and online personal trainers.

Identify Clients

The most important step in marketing any business is to identify ideal clients. Identifying the ideal client allows you to appeal and market to them better.

Think about who the prospective clients are, what interests them, and the places they go. Visit these places to find more potential clients.

Thinking about prospective clients also helps to prepare for objections they may have. Answer these questions:

  • Who is interested in my service?
  • Where do they spend their time?
  • What are their hobbies?
  • What are their challenges and obstacles?
  • What are their likes and dislikes?
  • What motivates them?
  • What prevents them from exercising?
  • What kind of help do they need?
  • How can I make a difference in their life?

Places to find clients might include:


People here may desire to improve their physical health but do not have the knowledge to do it.

Areas with high-rise buildings

When people work in an office and live in an apartment exercise often gets pushed aside. To appeal to these clients, offer training sessions that fit their busy schedules.

Explain the Consultation

A popular method of getting more clients is offering a free session or a free consultation. However, it can be a challenge to steer the conversation toward making a purchase.

Many personal trainers are afraid to discuss their training packages in case it scares clients away. In fact, the opposite is true.

By discussing the training packages on offer, a trainer can find out who has a genuine interest. It will help them focus energy on the people who are most likely to convert to paying customers.

However, it still might feel awkward to steer the consultation toward a purchase. One way to make the transition easier is to provide a summary of what will happen at the consultation.

Whether the consultation is by phone, in person, or online, explain how it works. Mention that you will present the various personal training packages on offer.

Then when the time comes it will feel less awkward to discuss purchasing options.

Ask Potential Clients Probing Questions

Ask Potential Clients Probing Questions

After someone shows interest in your services, the next step is to ask them questions. Asking questions accomplishes several goals.

First, it shows personal interest in the clients. Second, trainers get to know clients better and can offer services that they are more likely to say yes to.

Third, at the end of the consultation, remind the person of their goals to convince them to work with you.

Ask questions to learn about their challenges, goals, and any sensitive issues. If a potential client is not talkative, take advantage of awkward silences to get them to open up.

The most important thing personal trainers can do at this stage is to listen. Listen carefully to what the potential client says and remember it.

Then adapt to their individual needs and convert them into paying customers. These questions can help get a conversation going:

  • What made you decide to check out personal training options?
  • Do you have experience working with a personal trainer in the past?
  • What made you stop going to a personal trainer?
  • Why have you put off personal training until now?
  • What are your fitness goals?
  • Why are those goals important to you?
  • What is your exercise history?

Sell Results

Potential clients reach out to personal trainers because they are seeking a solution. They are often distressed and struggling with an exercise routine.

When selling personal training, highlight how this service will personally benefit the client. People tend to buy based on emotion.

So personal trainers need to understand the emotions behind a person’s goals. Use the information acquired from the probing questions to impact their emotions.

Discuss the benefits after listening to and understanding their individual needs. Outline a personalized exercise routine.

Write it down on paper so the client can see that you already have a plan to help them. The outline does not have to be perfect but it shows you are ready to adapt to the person’s unique situation.

Discuss steps to deal with specific challenges. For example, propose a plan to help them if they have knee pain or shoulder pain.

Talk about how to overcome soreness. Explain the principles that guide your personal training methods.

Review what their fitness journey might look like.

Let the client take the lead in the discussion. Do not talk too much.

Give them enough information to demonstrate the results of your personal training services. But do not lose their interest by over-talking.


Get more bookings with the right tool for the job

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The Trafft booking software adapts to different industries for a blissful online booking experience and employee management.

Want to know more? Check out Trafft’s awesome features to see what you are missing.


Address Objections

Trainers face many objections when selling personal training. Almost every potential client will have objections.

So trainers need to understand the reasons why a sale has not moved forward. They must overcome those reasons to make the sale.

To gain paying customers, personal trainers need to address every objection. But it is important to leave the price as the last objection.

Some objections are sincere and others are a way to stall. The personal trainer will need to determine a person’s level of interest.

To do so, take the initiative and ask questions. Ask what they think about the proposed plan.

Ask if they have any more questions and what obstacles they foresee. Answer all their questions and clarify any points.

Common objections are:

  • I do not have enough time
  • I do not need your services
  • I need to talk to my spouse
  • It is too expensive

Prepare responses to these and other common objections from the client demographic. Overcome them with commitment talking points.

Pricing Plans

Pricing Plans

Price should be the last objection a personal trainer addresses. Put off answering questions about the price until clients have seen the value of your services.

Give them a taste of what is on offer. People are more likely to pay for such services after getting a feel of your methods and personality.

When the time comes to discuss prices personal trainers have two options. The first option is to present one flat pricing plan.

With this option, try to compare the price of the services with something else to put it into perspective. For example, if the charge is $30 for a month of personal training, point out that the client is paying one dollar a day.

By offering a price comparison in this way, the cost seems more affordable to the client.

The second option is to present more than one pricing plan. This helps clients to feel in control and increases the odds that they will sign up.

If using this option, present at least three but no more than five pricing plans. Each pricing plan should increase in price.

Why have at least three pricing plans? With three pricing plans, it’s possible to make one look like the better value compared to the others.

The first plan should offer basic services and be inexpensive. The second plan should offer more advantages at a steeper price tag.

The third plan should offer extensive services at a more expensive price. The third plan will provide a reference point that makes the second plan look like good value.

Do not offer more than five pricing plans as this would be overwhelming. Make sure each pricing plan clearly presents its benefits and perks.

Close The Sale

The last step in how to sell personal training is to close the sale. Sales are often lost because a personal trainer is too timid to close the sale.

To close the sale ask “Do you have any more concerns? Are you ready to sign up for a program?”.

Do not be discouraged if they have more objections or if they say no to purchasing a plan. As many personal trainers say to their clients: do not give up.

One effective closing method is to remind the client of what they said about a fitness goal. Recap your personal training methods and how they will help them accomplish their goals.

FAQs about selling personal training services

1. How much should I charge for my personal training services?

It can be difficult to estimate the right cost for personal training services. Your amount of experience, where you are located, and how in demand your skills are can all affect the pricing. To determine the market rate for personal training services in your location, it is imperative to undertake market research.

After that, you should take your credentials and expertise into account. While calculating your price, you should also account for any additional charges such as gym rental fees or equipment costs.

2. What kind of training programs should I offer to my clients?

Your training programs for clients should be customized to meet their unique needs and objectives. While some clients might prefer to concentrate on strength training, others could be more concerned with losing weight or enhancing their cardiovascular health.

As a personal trainer, you should have a thorough awareness of the various training methods and be able to create tough yet efficient workout routines. To keep your clients interested and motivated, think about including a range of exercises and training techniques in your programs.

3. How do I market my personal training services effectively?

Although it can be difficult, marketing your personal training services is crucial for growing your clientele. Make use of social media channels like Facebook and Instagram to promote your skills and produce interesting material. Another effective marketing tactic is to network with other experts in your field, such as dietitians or physical therapists. Another successful strategy for attracting attention and expanding your clientele is to provide free trial sessions or discounts to new customers.

4. How do I handle client cancellations or no-shows?

Having a clear cancellation policy and communicating it to your clients is vital to reduce the impact of cancellations or no-shows.

To discourage last-minute cancellations, think about establishing a cancellation fee and rescheduling policies that permit customers to do so without incurring a fee up to a certain amount of time in advance. Also, you should get in touch with clients who miss sessions to find out why they missed them and make sure they continue with their training.

5. How do I keep my clients motivated to continue training?

The key to your clients’ success and retention is keeping them motivated. One method to keep them motivated is to offer regular feedback and encouragement. They can observe their success by setting realistic goals and keeping track of it, which can be a strong motivator.

To keep things exciting and novel, consider occasionally changing up their training schedules. To keep them interested, present challenges or competitions.

6. What certifications do I need to become a personal trainer?

Depending on the nation and location, several certifications are needed to become a personal trainer. In the United States, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), American Council on Exercise (ACE), and International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) are among the most respected certification bodies.

A certification in CPR and First Aid is also frequently necessary. It’s crucial to do your homework and pick a credible certification program that suits your professional aspirations.

7. How do I determine a client’s fitness level and create a personalized workout plan?

To develop a customized workout regimen, it is essential to evaluate a client’s degree of fitness. To ascertain their baseline fitness level, think about employing standardized fitness tests like the push-up or squat test.

It’s crucial to comprehend their lifestyle, fitness aspirations, and any existing medical issues or injuries. From there, you can create a customized exercise program that considers their unique needs and objectives and may include cardio, strength, or flexibility training.

8. How do I handle difficult clients who may be resistant to my recommendations?

Although managing tough clients might be difficult, it’s crucial to retain professionalism and make sure they get the greatest service. It is vital to pay attention to their worries and comprehend their viewpoint.

Also, you must share your knowledge and outline how your suggestions might assist them in achieving their objectives. Ultimately, it’s up to the client to decide whether to accept your advice, but by giving evidence-based ideas and establishing your knowledge, you may build trust and establish a constructive working relationship.

9. Should I offer virtual personal training services, and how do I deliver them effectively?

By providing virtual personal training services, you may increase your clientele and give both you and your clients more freedom. To properly deliver virtual training, you must have the right infrastructure and technology. A quality camera, microphone, and a reputable video conferencing platform should all be taken into consideration.

You should also ensure that your clients have access to the required equipment and space to execute exercises safely and successfully. For virtual training, it’s crucial to create workout schedules that can be completed without specialized equipment in confined spaces.

10. What legal considerations should I be aware of when selling personal training services, such as liability and insurance?

Any mishaps or injuries that take place during training sessions could put you at risk as a personal trainer. In the event of an accident or property damage, liability insurance that protects both you and your clients is crucial.

Before starting training, you should also have clients sign a waiver and release of liability, which describes the possible dangers and accepts that they are responsible for any injuries that may arise. Familiarizing yourself with any local laws or regulations about personal training, such as registration or certification requirements, is also necessary.

Ending thoughts on how to sell personal training

Selling personal training can be a challenge but there’s no need to be a master salesman to do it. A personal trainer’s role in the sales process is to ask questions, listen, and explain their training methods.

Prepare talking points ahead of time to overcome objections and describe your methods. Make sure to show personal attention to each potential client.

People appreciate it and will choose a trainer who cares about them.

Remember to talk about the price after they have a taste of the value of your services. Do not be afraid to ask for the sale after going through the sales pitch.

If you really believe in what you are selling, there is no reason to be nervous. Trainers who are confident in what they are offering will have no problem making sales.

Use the tips in this guide on how to sell personal training. They will help personal trainers to sell training packages in no time.

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Ljubica Buha

Ljubica Buha

Ljubica Buha is a versatile enthusiast and a Digital Marketing Manager specialized in IT industry. By day, she crafts digital stories; by night, she dives into literature. She's equally at home exploring beneath the waves, carving through snow on a snowboard, and embracing the outdoors through hiking.