Cleaning Service Advertisement Examples to Inspire You

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Thinking about starting a cleaning business? 

You’re in luck! The cleaning industry offers a great opportunity for entrepreneurs with a low initial investment. Clients really appreciate hiring a cleaning service, so you’re sure to see the benefits.

It’s super important to create a strong marketing strategy to bring in more clients and expand your business.

In our blog post, we’ll share some awesome examples of cleaning service ads and give you some practical tips on how to promote your cleaning business.

The Basic Elements of a Cleaning Service Advertisement

Here are some great tips for creating an attention-grabbing cleaning service advertisement:

  •  Use eye-catching visuals like photos, videos, animations, or graphics to make your ad really stand out.
  • Make sure to include your branding elements like your slogan, logo, and other details that represent your business.
  • Encourage people to take action by including a clear CTA in your ad.
  • Come up with a catchy tagline that makes your business more approachable and memorable to customers.
  • Keep your ad copy balanced and informative, without overwhelming people with too much text.

We’ll also include more tips and examples of great cleaning ads below. Check them out to get inspired and create your own amazing cleaning service advertisement.

Workplace and House Cleaning Ads Examples

To make your business really shine, you need to create effective cleaning ads while staying within your budget. It’s important to be thoughtful about how you run these ads.

Below, you will find the key features that should be included in every cleaning service advertisement, as well as insights into the details that make your ads really stand out.

Lead with your branding

house cleaning service advertisement

No cleaning business can thrive without defining its identity and establishing a specific image. The branding process can be complex, but it is worth the time and effort.

Your clients need to recognize your brand in your cleaning service ads. You will build trust through consistent, high-quality content.

In this first example, Adèle House Cleaning uses a photograph emphasizing their colors and logo in their house cleaning service advertisement. When observing the details, you can see the staff member featured is even using branded cleaning products.

They use very little text to send a clear and motivational message.

Identify the target audience for your cleaning service advertisement

house cleaning ad example

When creating cleaning service ads, it’s important to know who your ideal clients are. This will help you adjust your content and approach to connect better with them.

Share ads like the one above on social media to reach local customers.

Using bullet points makes it easier to read, and including illustrations can help showcase your services. The call to action is concise in this house cleaning ad – it’s short and effective, making it easy for potential customers to take action.

Understand and address specific pain points

cleaning service advertisement idea

Once you have defined your target audience for your house cleaning service advertisement, you need to deeply understand their struggles and needs. Tailoring your house cleaning ads to these details will make them more appealing to new clients.

In their ad, Sparkle Buddy reaches out to moms in a very empathetic way. This cleaning service advertisement uses a large relatable photograph.

There is little ad copy, and both the message and visuals match the brand logo and colors, enhancing brand recognition and trust.

Adopt a resounding language

house cleaning service advertisement idea

In addition to understanding all the above, it is essential to adjust your cleaning service ads to resonate with potential clients. That means you need to learn how to speak their language.

Notice the JLM Cleaning Mullica Hill ad. The photography portrays the struggle many parents face to keep their homes clean. You can see the frustration and weariness on their faces.

The ad copy highlights the quality of the services this cleaning company offers. The expression “Just like mom” shows how much care and attention they put into their work. This makes their cleaning service advertisement more impactful. 

Make use of relevant hashtags

cleaning service ad

Nowadays, every social media platform uses hashtags. They ease the search process and allow posts to reach a broader audience.

When designing your cleaning service advertisements, you can use the details of your message as hashtags. This way, you will be directing the ads to potential leads, increasing the likelihood of converting them into customers.

The Cleaning Brothers ad has several hashtags related to the services they offer. They also customize their house cleaning service advertisement for a season typically associated with deep cleaning needs.

Remember to educate and inform

ad for cleaning service

Sharing cleaning tips is a fantastic way for potential customers to see you as a trustworthy professional. Viewers appreciate practical knowledge that they can implement in their everyday lives. After seeing the results, they will feel more confident about reaching out to you.

Fiber Seal, for example, shares three vacuuming tips in their cleaning service advertisement. They pair this strategy with using relevant hashtags. Doing so improves search results and audience engagement. 

Get more bookings with the right tool for the job

Staying organized has never been easier.

You can now manage your business and grow your brand with a single, powerful software that keeps all of your appointments in line, your clients organized and your business booming.

Trafft is the perfect cleaning business software for business owners who need to streamline their booking experience both for their staff and their clients.

Here’s how Trafft enhances your operations:

  • Centralized appointments: Keeps all your appointments organized, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Client management: Organizes client details to improve service delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • Automated reminders: Sends automated email or SMS reminders to reduce no-shows significantly.
  • Industry adaptability: Tailors the booking experience to suit various industry needs, enhancing both client and employee interactions.
  • Comprehensive features: Offers a range of features designed to optimize booking, management, and marketing processes.

Want to know more? Check out Trafft’s awesome features to see what you are missing.

Trafft is FREE for up to 5 users!

Display your services

cleaning service advertisement idea

A potential customer will be more likely to choose your cleaning service if they know exactly what to expect.

U.S. Cleaning Service, LLC has an interesting online ad for their cleaning service.

They offer different house cleaning services, so they use various ad templates. Each service has its own picture and a catchy tagline to get you interested.

Share gratifying cleaning work

house cleaning advertisment

When creating cleaning service ads, it’s a great idea to share content that highlights the amazing results of a freshly cleaned space. You can use different resources to make your ads more dynamic and captivating.

For instance, Crystal-Light Cleaning shares a video of their professional carpet cleaning services and encourages local customers to opt for a limited-time offer, making their ad more appealing and urgent.

Cool, right?

Showcase the before and after

cleaning ad example

Using before and after photos in your cleaning service ads can clearly show potential clients the impact of your work. It’s a great way to engage people, even if you’re just starting out.

Just like Rubalcava’s Quality Carpet Cleaning, you can use photos to show off your different cleaning options. 

You might also want to think about sharing some videos of the cleaning process and the amazing results. It’s a fun way to give people a sneak peek into what you can do.

Provide eco-friendly cleaning services

house cleaning advertisement

Today, people are considering environmental issues when making choices. So offering eco-friendly cleaning services is a compelling selling point.

Eco Home Care is a housecleaning business that focuses on family homes. They use plenty of green in cleaning service ads to highlight their sustainable approach to the industry. They also draw attention to an offer for a free cleaning service by enlarging a particular frame.

Share reviews and testimonials

cleaning service review

Adding testimonials to your cleaning advertisement can help you stand out from other businesses. It enhances your image as a professional and trustworthy provider, generating more leads.

Aloha Maiden Cleaning Service effectively employs this strategy by featuring a simple tagline alongside one of their 5-star ratings. They highlight a sense of proficiency and care through a simple and elegant ad design.

Include achievements and recognitions

home cleaning ad

If your cleaning company has any award or certification, prominently featuring them in your cleaning service ads can significantly enhance your credibility with both current and potential clients.

Not only is it an achievement for your business, but it can serve as a growth propeller. Focus on complementary credentials that meet the needs and concerns of your customers.

Home Cleaning Center of America shares a photograph of a beautiful, clean home. They underscore the use of OSHA-approved products.

The focus of this example is their house cleaning quality. It also acknowledges that each service demands different approaches.

Include CTAs

residential cleaning service advertisement

When clients see your cleaning ads, they should feel compelled to do more than just look. You must encourage them to book home cleaning services or any other services you might offer.

When developing a call to action, try to merge the written and visual content. For example, in their cleaning service ads, Diamond Cleaners uses bright colors, engaging illustrations, and motivating text to capture attention and encourage immediate action.

Create benefit-driven cleaning ads

maid service ad

Advertise your cleaning business by showing potential clients why they should hire you. They want to feel that the benefits they receive are equal (or better) than the money they spend.

Customers need convenient, top-quality solutions,  which should be a key point in your cleaning service advertisement. So, Maid Right shares a concise, professional cleaning ad.

Their cleaning service ad promises to save you time and deliver a spotless home. The photograph is relatable, the bullet points are straightforward, and there is a simple tagline.

Announce a contest or promotion

a cleaning service giveaway example

Contests and promotions increase engagement, especially within a specific age group, making them a valuable strategy for cleaning service ads. You can list various themes and seasons and use them to advertise exceptional offers.

Go Clean Co. launched a Fall challenge associated with a handbook giveaway. They shared a lovely photograph on social media and explained their contest in the description.

This cleaning service advertisement is an example of using ads to promote your brand.

Promote a limited-offer cleaning service

cleaning service sale example

A limited-time offer in your ads for cleaning service conveys a sense of urgency. You can create a deal for house cleaning, merchandise, or another prospect.

There’s the added benefit of adding links to your website. Customers will then find more information, opportunities, and products.

Go Clean Co. is a cleaning business that is very active on social media. The example found in the link is one of their posts. They are using a video to advertise a sale on hardcover handbooks by their brand.

Foster the creation of a mental picture

residential cleaning ad

Use images to paint an attractive picture in your ads for a cleaning service. Create appealing house cleaning ads. By doing this, clients will imagine the feeling of a spotless house or workplace.

In the deep cleaning advertisement above, The Cleaning Authority uses a photograph of a happy baby. The visuals and text emphasize the connection between proper sanitation, health, and happiness.

Include the human factor

commercial cleaning service ad example

People want to relate to the content they find. It is also essential for them to feel that they are working with people they know. So using real-life photographs of working staff members builds trust.

A Better Look presents several photos of housecleaning. However, the most prominent image in this ad depicts a worker.

House cleaning requires considerable elbow grease. Including a personal touch in your house cleaning ads will get your business the boost and recognition it deserves.

Conclusion on Successful Cleaning Service Advertisement Examples

These were the commercial and house cleaning ad examples and ideas to help and inspire you. Take the time to see how you can implement each suggestion.

Remember, a cleaning service advertisement should not be difficult to understand. Opt for a simple approach and diversify your presentations.

Develop campaigns, and share before and after photos and videos. Show customers why they need to choose your cleaning company.

Afterward, broadcast your ads to reach as many people as possible. Share them on social media platforms, and use Google Search, Google Ads, Angi, and other resources.

Follow these tips to advertise your cleaning business and achieve fantastic results!

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Tijana Cuviza

Tijana Cuviza

Tijana Cuviza is a Content Creator with a deep appreciation for the power of the written world. She believes that good content can make a difference in the world, educating, inspiring and connecting people. Passionate about the potential of language to effect change, she seeks to enhance her skills and deliver content that provides real value. Likes various forms of literature, nature walks, playing games, and engaging in thoughtful conversations.