Appointment reminder template examples for various businesses

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These days, we’re all busy, and if you are running a business, you know this well. Between the personal life and the professional one, there are many responsibilities. Sometimes it is going to be easy that we ignore certain zones like health, lifestyle, business and so on. Having your own appointment reminder template means one important thing. You will be able to focus a lot easier on what you need to do in a day. In the business world when somebody fails to show up it can be harmful to both sides as valuable time is being lost.

If you have experienced before last-minute cancellations, you know how it feels. So how do we fix this? Well, we can start with an appointment reminder template.

As online has more and more information this means that we can also take advantage of it. Many templates that help individuals better manage their appointments are available for free. You can find them fast by researching and all you must do is to choose the right one that works for you.

Keep reading more about this topic in this article created by our team at Trafft, and learn how to choose the best one.

How to Set Up a Winning Appointment Reminder Template

If you are calling your customers to remind them of upcoming appointments, you may lose a lot of time. Because of this, email and text message reminders and postcards are some of the most popular types of reminders on the market. They can save your business a lot of time and money, and are helpful for the people utilizing your business.

Choosing a reminder message is also important, and you will need to be careful with your options. Depending on who the message is being sent to, different styles will have to be used. Sending the same message to both clients, as internal employees, might not be the best idea. So, think about this when choosing the final version of your appointment reminder template.

There are also different communication channels now that you can go with. Standard ones are email or SMS messages. If you add a personal touch, this can impact the type of response that you will get.

Before we go further, check out some tips when choosing the appointment reminder template.

  • Always introduce yourself. People might not know who you, and you should not assume that they will.
  • Customize the message, add your client’s name, and show that you care about your work and their business.
  • Be direct and go to the point. A lot of reminders are being checked when a person is doing other tasks. The faster and easier the message is to read, the better.
  • Avoid capitalizing entire words and sentences. Some people may misinterpret the tone of the message.
  • If you are worried about back-to-back meetings, or a meeting running long, you can ask them to arrive 5-10 minutes early.
  • Go for a CTA, this is great for communication with your audience. They will understand the point of the text and what they need to do next.

Email Appointment Reminder Template Options

A reminder template is great if you want a simple way to ensure that your employees, clients, and yourself are on time. Below, we have prepared a list of appointment reminder email template samples to choose from.

Formal email reminder template: Medical practice

Subject: The next appointment is on [DATE-TIME]

Dear [Customer-NAME],

We are writing to let you know that you have an appointment with [PROVIDER-NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME].

Here are some key points about the appointment:

Try to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out the new patient paperwork. You can also do it before if you check our website at [Link].

Be sure to bring your [DOCUMENT1], [DOCUMENT2] and [DOCUMENT3].

You can park at [LOCATION].

Be aware that if you are going to be late more than 15 minutes for your appointment, we will have to reschedule. Co-pays and deductibles are going to be due at the time of service.

Any missed appointment is going to result in a [DOLLAR-AMOUNT] fee.

We look forward to seeing you on [DATE-TIME]. If you ca not make the appointment, call us at [PHONE-NUMBER] as soon as possible.



Health / Physical therapy / Chiropractors:

Dear [Client's Name], this is a reminder from [Your Name] about the appointment set for [Date-Time]. The new location is at [Address]. 

If you want to reschedule, please call [Phone Number].

Dear [Client's Name], a friendly reminder from [Your Name] from [ Business Name] that the next examination is on [Date] at [Time]. If you need to reschedule, call today [Phone Number]

Hi [Client's Name]! Just a reminder from [Your Name] about the appointment on [Date] from [Time]. To reschedule, call [Phone Number]

Simple Appointment Reminder Letter

Dear [Recipient],

This letter is to inform you about your appointment with [Your Name] on [Date-Time]. In this email are the location map and directions.

If you have any questions,or need clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me on the numbers below.

If you want to cancel your appointment, give a prompt and early notification from your side. 

Looking forward to seeing you.

Short Friendly Reminder Template

Hi [name], 

This is a friendly reminder that we have an upcoming appointment. 




If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at [email address].



[business name]

Appointment Reminder Email

Subject line: (Appointment Reminder) Staff Name on Appointment Date & Time 

Email Body: Business Name 

Your appointment is closing in! 

Hey Client First Name, 

This is a friendly reminder that your [Service Name] appointment with [Staff Name] at [Location Name] is on [Date-Time]. If you have any questions before the appointment, use the contact details below to get in touch with us. 

Confirm your appointment by clicking on the button below:


Thanks for scheduling with [Business Name]!

Simple Email Appointment Reminder Template

A Friendly Reminder:

[NAME]> has an appointment with [Business Name] on [appointment date] at [appointment time]. 

Confirm the appointment by clicking the button below: 


Thank you! 

[Business Name]


[phone number]

[web site]


Unsubscribe from these email reminders.

Dentist appointment reminder:

You have an appointment reminder from [Business Name] on [Date/Time].

1.Patient: [Name] 2.Treatment: [Services] 3.Location: [Address]. For any update, call or text [Phone Number] .

Note: Reaching in time avoids any long wait. Some delay might happen due to other patients.

Dear [Patient's Name], this is a reminder from [Doctor Name] about your appointment on [Date-Time]. If you want to reschedule, please call [Phone Number].

Hello! Just a reminder from [Doctor Name] about your appointment on [Date-Time]. Need to reschedule? Please call [Phone-Number].

Casual email reminder template

Subject: I will see you at [DATE-TIME]! 

Hello, [NAME]! Just a quick reminder that you have a schedule for a visit to [Business Name].

If you need more details, please call us at [BUSINESS-PHONE]. We’re here [BUSINESS-HOURS] on [BUSINESS-DAYS]. Talk to you soon.



SMS Appointment Reminder Template Options

No one enjoys playing phone tag, especially when you are simply trying to confirm an appointment. SMS appointment reminders are becoming quite popular to combat this. So, finding a good message for your business is important.

Depending on the business industry that you operate in, you can also choose what tone to use for the message. You want to be aware of the tone of your message. A lot of appointment reminder templates can be used for this exact reason. Just know that most of them allow only up to 160 characters to be sent. Have this in mind when you are choosing the final text.

Appointment Reminder Templates

Hello [CUSTOMER-NAME] we are sending a reminder to let you know you have an Appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE-TIME]. Please reply with Yes to confirm.

Hi [NAME]. This is [YOUR NAME] from [BUSINESS NAME]. This is a reminder to check if you completed all the new patient paperwork. We emailed this before the appointment at [Custom Field 1] at our [City] office. Thanks!

Hello, [CUSTOMER-NAME] this is a reminder you have an appointment on [DATE-TIME] - thanks, [BUSINESS-NAME]

What To Bring Details: Reminder:

Get your ID, copy of insurance and payment information for the appointment with [Service Provider]. Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out new client paperwork. Our office is located at [Location Address]. 

Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], your next appointment is on [DATE-TIME]. Thanks [BUSINESS-NAME] [BUSINESS-PHONE].

Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], your next appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] is on [DATE-TIME]. Please reply with YES to confirm or call [BUSINESS-PHONE] if you want to reschedule.

When to Use Your Appointment Reminder Template

Choosing the right time to send your reminders depends on the details. To increase the chances that your clients are going to come to the appointments, you will need to send them at the right time.

Research shows that, in terms of the best hour to send a reminder, the consensus seems to be around 6 p.m. the day prior to the appointment. This is because only 6% of appointments get rescheduled in this case. You can customize the appointment reminder template to also include a time range.

If your company does not have any kind of cancellation policy that penalizes the client to send a reminder, you will want to offer your client enough time to many any changes that they have in their schedule. We hope that some of these tips will help you better manage your time and keep your appointments.

Get more appointments with the right tool for the job

Staying organized has never been easier.

You can now manage your business and grow your brand with a single, powerful software that keeps all of your appointments in line, your clients organized and your business booming.

Trafft is perfect for business owners who need to streamline their booking experience both for their staff and their clients.


Trafft handles everything for you, even sending automated email or SMS reminders to your clients. No-shows? Not anymore!

The Trafft booking software adapts to different industries for a blissful online booking experience and employee management.

Want to know more? Check out Trafft’s awesome features to see what you are missing.

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