How To Increase Gym Membership Sales (Actionable Guide)

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Every gym business entails using gym membership sales practices effectively to gain financial stability. However, this is easier said than done. 

Answering the question of how to get more gym members requires more than just listing different strategies. Good service and a lot to offer stand as a foundation for increasing the member count. You need to make sure your customers are satisfied, but also ensure you are offering something different from the bunch. This will guarantee your clients stay loyal and your business stays relevant.

But that’s just one side of the coin when it comes to increasing gym membership sales. In this article, we will thoroughly cover several practices to help you boost the total number of clients, starting with the key steps.

Determine Clients’ Concerns

Determining clients’ concerns is the first step to having a successful gym business.  Your services should be in line with your client’s problems and needs. In this case, gym members mostly focus on achieving a fit body or a specific fitness goal. Clients stay loyal to the gym when it can directly address their concerns.

The good thing is that this doesn’t have to be a guessing game. You can simply ask them what they are aiming towards. Focus on asking questions that will not only gather information about your clients but also pique their interest in your services.

Try to use this opportunity to address any questions clients may have but also to overcome sales objections that may be preventing them from purchasing a membership. 

When a potential client is interested in the available classes, pitch directly the lessons you have in store that they would likely enjoy. The goal is to present your gym as a perfect solution for all their fitness needs.

Lastly, don’t let them dwell on the service price; instead, explain the value your gym offers and present it as an investment in their health. Clients will jump into it regardless of the price when they realize how valuable this is.

Set an Easy Registration Process

No one likes a never-ending sign-up process. So, a great gym sales tip would be to make this procedure as quick and easy as possible. Potential members are more likely to join when signing up is hassle-free. Remove any unnecessary impediments to make joining simpler.

When setting up a registration sheet, be concise and avoid making lengthy forms and asking for too much information. If your registration process takes too much of their time, you may lose some potential clients, so it’s always a good idea to keep it short.

If you are looking to digitize this process, you can also try using some membership site platforms. Just be sure to minimize the typing, as people prefer to tick the boxes. 

You can finalize matters that require a signature when a member comes for the first session. Digital waivers are also recommended for these time-efficient registrations. Remember that a sign-up process should generate excitement and curiosity, not push people away.

Personalize a sign-up procedure

Even though sign-up should be quick and easy, that’s not an excuse not to offer a custom gym tour. Your future members will appreciate it when they receive ample attention and prioritization. You do not want to force your clients into membership but rather to show them what they’ve been missing.

Present the gym equipment and classes that they can enjoy. The goal is for your potential members to visualize how your gym and services can help them achieve their fitness goals. Take time to show your gym’s advantages. This way, customers will gain better insight into your gym’s qualities and offers and feel like a membership is worth it. 

Make the most out of the sales process by ensuring good communication. Remember to ask clients about their preferred communication channel so that you can send updates and offers more easily. This will also allow them to contact you with additional questions or concerns.

Lastly, try utilizing gym software to help keep a client database organized. You will convert leads into members much quicker and enjoy more sales and clients. Furthermore, you can leverage a sales forecast template to help you track your conversions and set new milestones. Give it a try and see how it can make your gym management more practical.

Identify Your Advantages Over Competition

It is inevitable for customers to compare your business to those running the same gym services. Give them a reason why they should choose your brand over other competitors. As a business owner, you need to identify your edge against others offering similar services and present what you have that they don’t.

Knowing your advantage gives you an opportunity to use it in marketing your gym and give your potential members a reason why they should choose you. Similarly, knowing what other gyms offer and promote will help you determine what sells and why people choose them. This way, you will also know what to adjust if other competitors have an advantage over you.

Introduce a Referral Program

Promote Gym Membership Referral

One of the best gym membership sales strategies is to set up a referral program for your existing members. This way, you’ll still save on expensive advertisement fees while getting more clients. Truthfully, your gym members are the best people to promote your gym business.

They have experienced it first-hand and know the perks and benefits you can get from the membership. If they have friends who are interested in fitness, your members can influence them, too!

But you may be wondering why someone would ever bring up your gym in a casual conversation. Well, because of all the benefits you will offer to those bringing a friend along. You can reward your clients with a month of free membership or a discounted price on it. Not only will your members enjoy this, but they will also be ecstatic to recruit more people.

With “Refer-a-Friend,” you let your existing member enjoy the benefits while getting more clients. Friend referrals are more likely to stay loyal members since they gain more motivation when working out with friends. Overall, it is a win-win for you and your members.

Will I be losing money with this program?

The simplest answer is no, but let’s break it down. When you reward an existing member with a free month, the new client pays for the month the current member skips. In the following month, you will be getting double the fees.

Ultimately, you do not lose any money. This payment cycle repeats whenever there is a new recruit. In the end, you earn more, spend less on marketing, and have many loyal members coming in with their friends.

Utilize All Marketing Channels

how to increase gym membership sales with marketing

In today’s world, answering the question of how to increase gym memberships wouldn’t be complete without discussing marketing channels to use.

Almost everything is available online, so for advertising, try using Google Ads to target people in your specific location. Your ads will reach people using the search engine for related topics. Keep in mind that this isn’t free, so be sure you are aiming for the right audience and set an appropriate budget. But don’t get discouraged; once new members roll in, the income will cover the expenses. 

Regarding these paid ads, fitness keywords are a subject you should be familiar with. The right keywords enable more people to view your business when searching online

As for the audience, leverage social media platforms to help you recruit appropriate members. Depending on your desired age group, place ads on Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok.

Keep an Engaging Social Platform

In order to really take advantage of all social media has to offer, you’ll need to create a compelling business profile first. Since most people use social media in their daily lives, you will have a greater community, thus resulting in a bigger audience to reach and an increased overall gym membership count

Update your social platforms regularly. You want your business to appear warm and welcoming. Having an active and engaging profile will spark the curiosity of potential clients, making them more likely to check out your gym. Good content will help people realize the value of your services. It will also give you an opportunity to interact with people better. Keeping an active and approachable look will make your gym stand out from the crowd.

Craft creative campaigns

Take the time to create memorable and creative promotional campaigns that really speak to the audience. The fitness industry is a competitive one, so make sure people remember your business. Whether that’s through visually stunning content or compelling storytelling, just be sure you find something that resonates with your target demographic.

Still, remember that the best time to market to new customers is during significant life milestones and bigger holidays like New Year’s.

marketing campaigns to increase gym members

Basic social media content to introduce

With social media, there is an endless list of content you can use. However, the goal should always be for it to present your gym in the best possible light. Make sure you highlight all the services and classes you offer so people know what they can sign up for. If you are running low on ideas, here are some to incorporate:

  • Get to Know the Coach
  • Gym Community Enjoying Fitness Exercises
  • Achievements and Milestones
  • Gym Updates and Fitness Tips
  • Gym Facility and Amenities Images

Don’t forget the hashtags

Believe it or not, hashtags on Instagram are a great way to attract new members. By creating your own, you give people a chance to connect easily with one another. They can represent a new challenge you want to start, a specific training group, or your gym in general, so use them to your advantage. 

There are many hashtags that you can add to your posts. A gym business should focus on fitness hashtags, so here are some famous ones you can incorporate:

  • #WeightLifting
  • #Workout
  • #TransformationTuesday
  • #FitQuote
  • #FitnessMotivation
  • #MotivationMonday

Emphasize that Health is an Investment

There is no doubt that health is an investment, so you should make this mark obvious to your potential clients as well. Share some educational information either in the form of a video or blog post on your website. Use reliable references and studies regarding health and fitness so people know what you are saying is true.

Including quantifiable data encourages gym members to set objective fitness goals. Focus on the long-term and short-term benefits of exercise. It is crucial to emphasize the benefits of maintaining a sound body and a healthy diet. Here are some excellent examples of accurate data:

  • According to the New York Times, you’ll save $2,500 annually by working out
  • Lessen the risk of obesity by 40% through workouts
  • Decrease chances of having elevated resting heart rate and therefore reduce mortality up to 10%

Optimize Gym Rates

When trying to increase gym membership sales, you should examine current membership types and see if there is any room for improvement. The pricing should cover all gym expenses while still delivering additional profit.

Consider the costs for various classes, gym equipment, and penalty fees. Most gyms incorporate leveling in their pricing. You can have a lower, middle, and upper price level. These levels should differ in terms of the services members can use, when they can access the gym, etc. This tactic encourages members to choose the middle ground, no matter the price. 

Avoid setting flat membership fee prices. Formulate lower and upper tiers if you have a base price in mind. You can also have special prices for some groups, such as students or elderly people. The goal is for people to see you have a lot to offer them and to also give them the choice of the membership that best suits them.

Consider Offering Free Gym Memberships

free trial to increase membership sales in your gym

While this may sound like a perfect way to lose money, it’s actually a great tactic to increase membership sales. You want people to come and see what you are offering, try out your gym equipment, and decide to sign up. All of that will be much easier if you just let them experience your gym first-hand. 

It’s generally recommended that you offer at least a week of a free gym membership. One week gives them plenty of time to see if they are happy and want to continue using your gym to achieve their fitness goals.

Introduce Special Classes

introduce special classes to boost gym memberships

Make specific classes for members who want a unique experience. Most of these members are willing to spend money on particular courses that would benefit them. Ensure that the specific types fit their needs. You can also create classes for sporadic gym-goers who want to improve their physicality.

Here are some fitness classes examples you can try to incorporate in your gym as well:

  • Fitness Briefer for Children
  • Teen Class Exercise
  • Light Exercise Sessions for the Elderly
  • Advanced Classes for Qualified Members

Start a Fitness Challenge

If you want to engage your current members and recruit more, start a fitness challenge! You can choose from various social platforms. Select a reasonable duration for the challenge. Generally, these kinds of fitness challenges run for approximately eight to twelve weeks.

Set a fitness goal that participants should achieve. A plan should be objective and specific to be attainable. You can also include some prizes for those who make the biggest transformation so people are even more motivated to participate.

Motivate Members to Join Activities

Motivate Gym Members to Join Activities

Another great way to increase membership sales is to offer a wide range of classes members can participate in. Use your social platforms to promote schedules so everyone knows what classes you have and when they start. 

Don’t overlook the importance of in-person promotion for these extra classes you offer. Tell your loyal members what activities they should try out. This is particularly effective if you know what kind of workout they prefer. 

The ultimate goal is for people to use their membership as frequently as possible so they see it as something worth having and don’t mind the price they have to pay. 

List of Fitness Activities

Having this list will allow your members to choose which activities they prefer; just don’t forget to place it somewhere noticeable. Being open to gym members’ suggestions for activities is also advisable. Here are some classes you can offer:

  • CrossFit
  • Boot Camp
  • Cardio
  • Martial Arts/Boxing/Kickboxing
  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Circuit Training
  • Pilates
  • Yoga

Optimize Your Gym’s Operations with the Right Tool for the Job

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Looking for a way to attract new members and boost your revenue? Meet Trafft, the perfect fitness scheduling software to help you do that and so much more.

With its user-friendly interface and automated scheduling, say goodbye to overcrowded gyms during peak hours. Have any trouble managing employee shifts and days off? With Trafft, there is no hassle of manually creating a million timetables your staff can hardly keep up with. Do it all with just a few clicks, so there are no more scheduling conflicts.

Time is money, and Trafft is here to help you save both. Ready to make a noticeable difference in your gym business?

Head to Trafft’s sign-up page and experience efficiency first-hand.

FAQs About Increasing Gym Membership Numbers

1. What marketing strategies are most effective for increasing gym membership?

Leveraging online advertising, social media campaigns, and email marketing are all great techniques that increase gym memberships. Online resources like Facebook Advertising or Google Ads can improve visibility and draw in new members as well. Lastly, targeted marketing and social media campaigns can present the gym’s culture and draw new curious clientele. 

2. How can we create a referral program to incentivize current members to refer new ones?

A referral program might encourage current members to bring their friends along by offering benefits like one month of free membership, discounts, or other perks. You can use word-of-mouth marketing and the trust and credibility that comes with it to attract new members by offering tempting rewards for those who bring in the most new recruits.

3. Should we offer free trials or discounted rates to attract new members?

Free trials or reduced prices can be an efficient approach to drawing new customers. Giving prospective members a chance to check out the gym and its offerings before joining can help remove entry barriers and raise conversion rates.

4. How can we differentiate our gym from competitors to attract new members?

Determine special features or services that make your gym apart from its rivals. You need to know what your competitors are offering and what are some gaps you can fill. This might take the form of tailored training plans, a bigger selection of classes, or a specific community. 

5. What role does social media play in increasing gym membership, and how can we use it effectively?

Social media enables gyms to communicate with new members and advertise their services, significantly contributing to the growth of gym memberships. A strong brand presence, relevant, compelling content, and the use of different advertising to target particular demographics are all essential components of effective social media use.

6. What types of classes or services can we offer to appeal to a wider audience?

Gyms can provide a range of services catering to various interests and fitness levels to appeal to a larger audience. Classes in HIIT, yoga, Pilates, group fitness, or specific training programs could all fall under this category. A wider audience can be drawn in, and member retention can increase by offering a diverse selection of training.

7. How can we create a sense of community within the gym to retain current members and attract new ones?

The gym may foster a sense of community by organizing social gatherings, promoting member engagement, and fostering a warm and inclusive environment. If there is a strong sense of community and connection among members, they are more likely to stick around and refer others to the gym.

8. How important is the physical appearance and cleanliness of the gym in attracting new members?

A gym’s physical condition and cleanliness play a big role in luring in new customers. A clean, well-kept gym makes a good first impression and communicates to potential members that it is committed to giving them a top-notch experience. On the other hand, a poorly kept gym may put off potential customers and cause bad word-of-mouth advertising.

9. What kind of technology can we incorporate into the gym to make the experience more attractive to potential members?

The use of technology in the gym can improve member satisfaction and draw in new customers. Examples include interactive tools, wearable fitness monitors, or mobile applications that monitor progress and offer custom workout schedules. By integrating technology, gyms can stay relevant and attract tech-savvy people.

10. How can we track and analyze data to better understand the behavior and needs of potential and current members and adjust our strategies accordingly?

Gyms can make data-driven decisions and modify their strategy as a result of tracking and analyzing data. This data can provide insightful information about the needs and behaviors of both current and future members. Monitoring participant attendance, examining the demographics and interests, and gauging the impact of marketing initiatives are all great strategies for gaining a better understanding of your clientele. Gyms may discover areas for improvement by using data to guide their actions.

Ending Thoughts on How to Increase Gym Membership Sales

There are many ways how to increase gym membership sales but in order to be successful long-term it’s crucial you adopt an all-round approach. Focus on building a community, offering a wide range of services, and creating a memorable experience for all your members.

With dedication, creativity, and commitment you will easily differentiate yourself from the competition and establish your gym as a perfect destination for all fitness enthusiasts.

If you are looking to learn more about this topic, here are some helpful gym membership statistics. On the other hand, if you need any help getting your finances in order, here is our gym startup costs guide.

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Barbara Stankovic

Barbara Stankovic

Barbara Stankovic is a Content Creator who enjoys exploring diverse perspectives and crafting compelling narratives. With more than 3 years of experience in content writing, she always strives to create materials that inform and entertain. Drawing from her background in psychology, Barbara brings a unique understanding of human behavior to her works. Beyond exploring the complexities of the human mind and emotions, she also loves hiking, reading, baking, and spending time with her two dogs.