Guide to Building Clientele as a Hairstylist or Barber

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Finding, establishing, and building clientele are some of the challenges the beauty industry encounters. Sometimes, keeping the schedule full and the business flowing is not easy to achieve, but the good news is that there is a way.

Building clientele as a hairstylist or barber might mean you need to rethink your strategies. Getting a break in the hairdressing industry can be challenging, but the following article will provide the latest techniques and strategies to gain and maintain new clients.

You will learn the best moves to build, connect, and retain your clients. You can also see the best ways to make repeat clients, and encourage them to tell others about your business.

8 Ways to Build Clientele Within the Salon

Make Your Services Concise and Detailed

Your potential clients are looking through the details of your services. That’s why it is crucial to make the information short and concise. Only include the details they need, instead of mentioning all the skills or recognitions of your company.

Research the market to see what the clients or customers are looking for in a salon. This will give you better ideas on what types of treatments or products they want to purchase.

For example, if you are running a salon that focuses on hairstyling, then the menu should present all the trendy and high-demand services. On the other hand, if the market aims to target more mature clients, then traditional hairstyles would be more in demand.

Standard barbershop services usually have traditional-styled haircuts. Others have upgraded their business by adding facial and neck services. On the other hand, more advanced barbershops offer other services, such as hairpiece fittings, and facial treatments.

Work on The Customer’s Satisfaction

It is essential to have a high rating, especially if the business is just starting. Clients are checking through the experiences to keep their interest in returning to the salon. Ensure that you keep the services in line with the company’s brand values.

Offer refreshments to the clients as a greeting, while making them feel at home by playing soothing music.  Bring them a magazine for entertainment and ideas before the haircut session.

Things You Need to Practise to Provide Excellent Customer Service When Building Clientele

  • Have appointments available
  • Give clear expectations according to the type of services they choose.
  • Let your clients know about the latest products and promotions.
  • Give a warm greeting.
  • Explain the services they’ve chosen, including what to expect, thus  avoiding confusion and miscommunication that could lead to dissatisfaction.
  • Always smile and be respectful.
  • Whatever happens, be professional.

Run a Referral Rewards Program

Run a Referral Rewards Program

Advertising can be too expensive, especially if the business is just starting. The best way of building clientele is to offer a referral rewards program. Word of mouth marketing is always effective. Clients who are referred by other people are more likely to trust the salon.

Having a program like this will encourage more clients to refer your business to their family and friends. Don’t forget to give a discount or rewards whenever they give successful referrals.

Some beauty salons overlook this marketing strategy, but observations of other companies who practice referral programs indicate that they do gain clients and customers.

Spread the word about the referral rewards program through social media, email marketing, and the salon website. Always keep track of the number of clients through the referral program to know if the strategy is effective. That will also reveal whether you need to change your services or retain them.

Show Off Your Accomplishments

Let people know what kind of services the company offers. Building a cool portfolio and showing off your work will help people to trust the beauty salon. Have a clear book that displays all the previous works, such as hairstyles, makeup, and other artistic and creative accomplishments.

It will give opportunities for the clients to browse throughout the portfolio. They can then ask the hairstylist or makeup artist to do the same for them. However, it is crucial to ask for the previous clients’ permission before putting their faces or photos in the book.

Don’t Limit the Clients to Scheduled Services

Don’t Limit the Clients to Scheduled Services

Scheduled services have their advantages. However, it also limits the number of clients coming to the beauty salon. Unless the business has an unending flow of visitors each day, then scheduled services are essential. If the business is still new, allowing walk-ins will give better opportunities to the salon.

Some people are too busy to call for an appointment before having their hair cut or styled. In some cases, beauty salons run by sole appointment might have limited clients or perhaps even days without customers. So, until the clientele is very established, walk-ins should be welcome.

This type of special service can be eye-catching to potential customers, especially if they see the salon open while having a stroll or window shopping.

Schedule Another Appointment During The Client’s Visit

This is a great strategy to bring in repeat customers. In some cases, rebooking is not an option, especially if the salon area is within the tourist or hotel spots or if the salon doesn’t accept appointments.

However, the rebooking strategy can encourage more people to revisit the salon and become loyal clients. It will also give the impression that the company is doing its best to cater to the needs of its customers.

Moreover, some clients are too busy to re-book, or they often forget to revisit the salon. Having them rescheduled will prevent them from visiting other beauty salons or similar competitors. That will also make the customer’s life easier by providing an appointment for them despite busy schedules.

Another suggestion to keep track of the client’s schedule is by investing in a good salon scheduling app to make your time more manageable while giving the best experience possible to your customers.

Offer Promotions

Having occasional promotions can help in building clientele, and keep these clients coming in to enjoy the latest freebies or promotional items. Slow seasons can happen anytime. We cannot expect businesses to be on top all the time, so promotions are essential.

Instead of discounts, you can add services to the original package. For example, you can offer a free deep conditioning treatment for every haircut or hairstyle. Posting this promotion to Instagram, Facebook, or other social media platforms provides additional opportunities to increase your client base.

Another way to encourage more people is by giving discounts or freebies to first-time clients and last-minute promotions.

Seasonal Promotions

Seasonal Promotions

This strategy is common to most businesses. They are offering freebies, discounts, buy-1-take-1 offers during New Year, Valentines, Black Friday, Halloween, and other occasions. Using a similar technique will not make beauty salons sound desperate since most business owners are doing the same thing.

Put all your credentials when creating seasonal promotion introductions. Add titles, such as “award-winning” and “certified” to input trust to the clients, and allow them to see what the business could offer. If the beauty salon doesn’t have enough credentials, putting the phrase “by our top stylist” would be enough.

Reassuring clients that the company only gives premium services will encourage them to visit the salon and become loyal customers.

7 Ways to Build Clientele Outside the Salon

Know Your Target Market

Before working on strategies, it is best to know the specific audiences or clients. Know the customers’ demographic group; what they find important and valuable. It is also crucial to know the geographic location to make a wise decision about where to put the shop.

If you want the business to operate in a metropolitan suburb and work with organic hair products, then there should be a specific target audience. For example, if that is the nature of the shop, then it is essential to target those individuals who wish to have non-toxic and organic products.

Remember that the target audience’s ages could vary, and live in different parts of the metro area. The main goal is to provide the customers with eco-friendly hair treatments.

On the other hand, beauty salons can set up in the middle of upscale housing development to target premium clients. In that case, creating premium or high-class services can make customers happy.

Keep Track of Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Statistics

Keep Track of Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Statistics

Knowing the beauty salon’s statistics allows the business owner to understand the current status of the shop. Audience research can help companies to test methods and strategies that will work best. Then, track the result to see what is the most effective and efficient strategy for the greatest number of people. Consequently, beauty salon shops can understand the market, and attract more customers overall.

Things salon owners should monitor  to comprehend the current performance statistics:

The Time Salon Services are More Productive

Adjust salon hours according to people’s preferred time. Pay attention to the time that more people visit the salon. This will improve opening hours to serve more clients.

The Average Profit in a Day

Keep track of the profit the salon receives per client, and observe the average price they are willing to pay.

The Retail Merchandise

See how the retail products affect the daily sales of the salon.

The Website’s Traffic

Know the numbers of daily and weekly visitors to observe how many customers come through online marketing or other strategies.

Repeat Customers

The returning guests will determine the efficiency of the beauty salon.

New Customers

Keep track of the new customers you are bringing in every day and each month.

In the beauty salon industry, the number of repeat clients is very important. Bringing in new clients is only the beginning of success. Returning customers mean they love the services, and success will continue.

When the salon doesn’t have returning clients, then something is wrong and the business needs improvement. Work on different strategies, such as promoting products or offering discounts to customers.

The statistical data will help beauty salons determine the strategies that will lead to success, and help them learn how to keep and build clientele.

Keep On Improving New Skills

Beauticians and hair stylists need a variety of skills. Hairstyling and beautifying procedures need different skills to satisfy all types of clients.

Learning new skills can lead to better services. It will also be easier to upsell. While improving the business, you can study and enroll in classes to learn new technologies, techniques, and trends.

It is not necessary to enroll in a prestigious school to study new skills. Youtube and other online resources can also help with training. Collaboration with other beauty professionals is another great way to improve skills and techniques. Learning while practicing the skills can lead to better services of beauty salons.

Get more bookings with the right tool for the job

Staying organized has never been easier.

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Trafft is the perfect salon software for business owners who need to streamline their booking experience both for their staff and their clients.


Trafft handles everything for you, even sending automated email or SMS reminders to your clients. No-shows? Not anymore!

The Trafft booking software adapts to different industries for a blissful online booking experience and employee management.

Want to know more? Check out Trafft’s awesome features to see what you are missing.

Collaborate With Other Local Businesses

Businesses of the same nature can collaborate, rather than competing with one another. Beauty salons can coordinate partnerships with florists, health clubs, bars, wedding apparel shops, restaurants, and retailers.

Identify the businesses that have a similar clientele to the beauty salon business. It’s probably best to choose those with geographical proximity to your salon. For example, beauty salons that focus on skin or facial treatment can collaborate with a nail salon.

When trying to collaborate, it is useful to try the service yourself, and then decide whether the collaboration will be beneficial. Actively participate in their networks, and share the nature of business.

Collaborating with other businesses is not a quick-fire marketing tactic. It needs time to build strong relationships and trust. However,after establishing a relationship with local businesses, it can deliver good quality long-term clients.

Having a partnership, and collaborating with similar niche businesses will result in win-win situations. Both will gain from one another, helping companies to grow together.

Take Advantage of Public Reviews and Ratings

Take Advantage of Public Reviews and Ratings

Good ratings and reviews can build clientele,  by encouraging people or consumers to purchase services or products. Most users are visiting the review or rating section to see if the product or service is worth a try.

Yelp is a useful platform, where placing reviews allows users to determine which beauty salon services to use. It will attract more clients, especially young ones, to visit the shop.

Through Yelp, Google  highlights the positive reviews of the business and recommends it to potential customers. Having a full-star rating indicates that the customers are happy with the service. This then moves it higher in the rankings, therefore more users see the positive reviews.

The best way to boost the local ranking is by getting good reviews from customers. Thus bringing benefits to your salon.

The Potential Benefits of Having Reviews and Ratings (Regardless of Positive or Negative)

Increase Conversion Rate Conversion Rate

Sharing the business’s positive reviews will encourage more potential clients to purchase the services.

Answering Negative Reviews Demonstrate the Business Concern

Sometimes, negative reviews are inevitable. The only good thing about having these types of reviews is that respectfully answering them might regain the client’s trust, as well as demonstrate your integrity to other potential customers who read the review.

On the bookings page, it is important to feature top reviews, which enables visitors to review and read through the web page and see what the beauty salon offers.

Enhance Online Engagement

When writing descriptions about the business nature, make it compelling to the target market or audience. Include all the essential details regarding the beauty business, and engage with the readers.

Remember to include hashtags in the social media posts to make them visible to audiences. Instead of using many various hashtags, choose five concise, relevant, and targeted hashtags.

You can also engage your customers by replying and joining in posted conversations, which might attract other readers to your business.

Create Business Profiles to Different Social Media Platforms

Create Business Profiles to Different Social Media Platforms

Business profiles in various social media platforms encourage more users to learn about the business nature and keep updated with changes, new services, and products. This will enhance the professional aspect of the business.

Connecting with clients and potential clients is easier and more convenient through social media. Sharing memes and other related quotes in the news feed can create bigger engagement.

Improve Google’s Presence

Google is one of the biggest search engine platforms to advertise businesses or online markets. Most users use Google to search for their nearest salon.

Ensure your beauty salon’s website is visible to search engine results pages. Boost the website and make it SEO-optimized. Redesign the website if necessary, making it user-friendly with smooth transitions and navigation.

Ensure that the pricing guide and store hours are visible on the website’s base page to make it appear in Google’s feature.

Remember to set up the Google My Business Account, and add your beauty salon website. Have a compelling design and engaging content. Optimize it with SEO to improve the strategies in building clientele.

FAQs about building clientele

1. How can I attract new clients to my business?

Establishing a strong online presence for your business is one of the finest methods to draw in new customers. This includes using online marketing strategies including search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, as well as having an optimized website and active social media accounts. Offering special incentives or promotions to new consumers is another successful tactic to entice people to try your goods or services.

2. What strategies can I use to build long-term relationships with my existing clients?

Consistent communication and individualized care are necessary to develop lasting connections with current clients. By sending out personalized emails, newsletters, and frequent check-ins, stay in touch with your customers. To express your gratitude and keep them coming back, you can also provide special discounts or promotions. Also, it’s critical to pay attention to their feedback and make the required modifications to satisfy their needs.

3. How do I identify and target my ideal client demographic?

Start by examining your present customer base and identifying common traits like age, geography, interests, and purchasing behaviors in order to determine your ideal client demography. Create buyer personas, which are fictitious representations of your ideal consumer, using this information. This will assist you in developing targeted marketing efforts and adjusting your goods and services to suit their requirements.

4. How do I differentiate myself from my competitors and stand out to potential clients?

A distinctive value proposition that sets you apart is necessary to set yourself out from your rivals. Use your company’s strengths and unique selling proposition as the foundation for your marketing and branding. Provide a memorable customer experience and offer great customer service to stand out from the crowd.

5. What kind of marketing tactics are most effective for building a strong client base?

SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing are all effective marketing strategies for growing a loyal clientele. To provide a seamless consumer experience, it’s crucial to have a consistent message and identity across all platforms. Use analytics to monitor the results of your marketing initiatives and make the required corrections.

6. How can I leverage social media to expand my client network?

Determine which social media channels your ideal clientele are most active on, and establish a regular presence there to use social media to grow your client base. To persuade customers to test your goods or services, share informative material, interact with followers, and give special discounts or incentives. Use social media analytics to monitor engagement and pinpoint the most successful strategies.

7. What are some effective ways to encourage referrals from existing clients?

Offering incentives, such as discounts or free goods or services for each new client they suggest, is one efficient strategy to drive referrals from current customers. In order to create a great experience, you may also directly request recommendations and offer first-rate service. To ensure the referred client’s contentment and to keep fostering a solid relationship, follow up with them.

8. How do I handle difficult clients and maintain a positive reputation?

Clear communication, tolerance, and patience are necessary while dealing with challenging clientele. Pay attention to their worries and take prompt, polite action to resolve their problems. Provide a refund or other form of compensation if necessary to make things right. By politely replying to unfavorable comments or reviews and constantly offering top-notch customer service, you can uphold your good image.

9. How can I measure the success of my client-building efforts?

Keep track of indicators like customer retention rate, customer acquisition cost, and conversion rates to gauge the performance of your client-building activities. Track the success of email campaigns, social media interaction, and website traffic with analytics tools. Regularly check these indicators and modify your plan as necessary.

10. How can I adjust my approach to client building as my business grows and evolves?

It’s crucial to frequently review your client-building approach as your company expands and changes. Keep an eye on market changes and modify your marketing strategies as necessary. To reach a wider audience, think about introducing new goods or services and changing your marketing strategy. Engage with your current clients on a regular basis to learn about their evolving requirements and preferences. Use data analysis to spot trends and decide where to concentrate your client acquisition efforts. Be adaptable and ready to change your strategy as your company expands and changes.


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