Services Landing Page Examples to Inspire You

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A landing page is more than your average webpage.

A services landing page generally serves one of two purposes. They can redirect site visitors where you want them to go. Or they convert visitors by getting them to take a specific action. As a whole, the landing page design has to influence visitors to do what you want, be that watching a video, clicking a button, or reading a call to action.

Designing a page that converts visitors this way can be a challenge. But the extra effort to create effective landing pages is well worth it.

This article provides a variety of well-designed, effective landing pages.

What Is the Difference Between a Website and a Landing Page?

A major difference between a services landing page and a website is what their primary focus is.

A website serves to explain what a business does and what it offers to visitors. Websites usually have several pages. Visitors can usually view a homepage, an “about” page, or even blog pages to find the information they are looking for.

A landing page is a standalone webpage with a specific purpose. Its mission is to get viewers to respond to a call to action (CTA). These CTA buttons could be trying to sell a specific service, gain new email subscribers, or register for an event. Landing pages are powerful marketing tools that can adapt to any purpose.

The majority of successful landing pages have a combination of these elements:

  • A headline
  • Different subheadings
  • Integrated media
  • Proof
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Sign-up forms

Best Service Business Landing Pages

Campfire Labs

This landing page design is well thought out. The content is story driven and helps to promote their brand and connect them with visitors to their site.

Sophie Dallamore

A landing page for a fashion consultant and stylist based in London. This landing page draws attention to the services offered. The skills she is marketing include fashion advice, tips for dressing for an event, and shopping and gifting options.



This landing page promotes a company that helps new music artists to create their brand and produce and license their music.


This is a commercial startup company that makes an effort to make communication with clients easy. Their goal in using their services landing page is to make it easy for people to contact them. This makes conversion rates higher among potential customers.


Express VPN is a great example of a dedicated landing page. There is no navigation bar, so a visitor’s only option is to click on the CTA button directly. Without a navigation bar to distract visitors, the landing page does a better job of holding the audiences attention.

Billy Ragan Roofing

This landing page includes a video from a dedicated team member. This helps site visitors to build trust in the company. It also details every step of the process, from filling out the online form to the finished product.


Create High-Converting Booking Landing Page for Your Service Business

If you’re wondering how to make a landing page and convert visitors into customers with minimal effort, booking software such as Trafft should be your go-to choice.

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So, why wait? Sign up for Trafft for free and witness the transformation it brings to your business operations!


This landing page does a great job of including the relevant content as well as explaining its purpose. Great landing pages include valuable information about what the company represents and how to contact them, and this page does that.


There is something beautiful and unique about the design of this landing page. Through storytelling, the art teacher gets visitors to empathize with the students she works with. She includes a brief summary of what she talked about at the top and bottom of the pages so that visitors can refresh the main points. She also includes testimonials from happy clients. By the end of it, the CTA button has been well marketed so that customers feel motivated to click on it.


This is a good example of a customized landing page. The company works with a variety of fields, from athletes to influencers, and even digital entrepreneurs. With that in mind, they have created a beautiful, flexible landing page that highlights their portfolio.

Motion For Mobile

A great example of how to optimize landing pages for mobile devices. This landing page emphasizes social media campaigns and connecting with potential customers online.

Lawn Doctor

If a locally based company is looking for ideas for their services landing page, this is a good landing page to look at. They started out as a locally based lawn care and pest control company. But now they have grown to more than 630 locations.

Exo Ape

This company based in the Netherlands is a white-glove digital design company. Their landing page offers a glimpse into the work they do. There are links embedded throughout the page where visitors can get more information.

Row House

This business uses visual graphics in a smart way on their landing page. By including images and videos of people working out, they stick to their brand and motivate people to follow the call-to-action buttons.


This landing page design does a fantastic job of presenting interesting content to draw people in. Between the highlighted classes and testimonials, this landing page is sure to have great conversion rates. They also make good use of email marketing by including the option to subscribe to their emails right at the top of the page.


The official landing page for the Bureau of Design and Technology. They state their mission in a clear, succinct way at the top of the page where visitors can find it.


This is a good example of how to keep things simple and straightforward. This landing page design uses a white background and large script to make their point stand out.


When your goal is to improve the conversion rate of your landing pages, visual design might not seem like a big deal. But this landing page design proves that it’s worth thinking about.

Studies have shown that users form an impression of a website in 0.2 seconds. The impression is largely based on visual factors. This great landing page design uses visual elements to engage visitors and promote their marketing campaigns.


The landing page for this branding and marketing company does more than just generate leads or create beautiful designs. They challenge all drink brands to take their marketing campaign to the next level.

Startup Institute

People don’t feel comfortable providing their personal information unless they understand what they are getting out of the exchange. This landing page example provides all the answers to questions that users might have about this company’s services. Apart from the information about courses, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section at the bottom of the page.

Berry Insurance

This is a good landing page example with a call-to-action heading. The heading explains what visitors can expect from the landing page. Clients can also reach out with any questions over the live chat.

PrimaHealth Credit

This a good example of a landing page for an affordable heathcare website. They make good use of animated images to catch the visitor’s eye.


Immediately, this landing page opens with a tasteful combination of visual features and text. Between the short message and the image of a confident-looking man, visitors take away an impression of professionalism. The call to action button is also conveniently located at the top of the page.

Website Screenshot


If you are looking for landing page examples that uses illustrations instead of photographed images, take a look at this one.

The site features a minimalist look that appeals to an audience that wants to get right to the point. By using illustrations instead of pictures, they help the audience to get the point. This way, people remember what they saw and read even after they leave the site.


A landing page for a company that offers pet insurance. The goal of the page is to get users to click through by encouraging them to protect their pet. The page uses pictures of cute pets and separate buttons for different kinds of pets to convert visitors.

Anne Helmstadter

This is the landing page of story sales coach Anne Helmstadter. An expert at what she does, the landing page design reflects that same professional vibe.

Because the landing page is for an assessment offer, she doesn’t use images. Instead, she presents her own expertise in an appealing way, and also includes testimonials from past clients. The words she chooses to represent herself and her work are designed to motivate and encourage people to seek out her help.

Jenna Rainey

This landing page gets right to the point. In the heading, the visitor learns exactly what they can expect from the course. The artist takes advantage of her opportunity to build rapport with potential customers by introducing herself.

Virgile Guinard

Virgile Guinard is a Paris-based photographer. He collaborates with many well-known companies, such as Chanel, Chloé, Etam, Hermès, Loewe, Prada and Vogue Paris. His landing page design is captivating and compelling. Visitors can see examples of his work by moving the cursor over colored blocks that suddenly take shape as photos.


This is a digital services landing page for the Yummygum company. The layout and color scheme of the site is impactful and eye catching.


This is a lovely landing page example for companies that want to use landing pages to market their products. All the essential details appear on the page. The information is presented in an appealing way.

Elegant Seagulls

If you are looking for examples of custom landing pages, check out Elegant Seagulls. They have incorporated storytelling into their UI and UX design and into their product design. By doing so, they create beautiful experiences for their customers.



An important element in any landing page is making sure the design works with your theme. Selling or buying a house can be a stressful experience, so Yopa went with a calming blue tone for their landing page and the website. The idea is to put the customer at ease, and make the experience as pleasant as possible.

Mark Manson

Mark Manson doesn’t hold back from putting his ideas forcefully. Where a business might try to phrase their marketing carefully, on this landing page you will see how he speaks his mind. This lends an air of openness and directness to the landing page that has its own appeal. This is a great page to check out if you are looking for original landing pages.


This landing page design is a beautiful example of minimalism. They get straight to the point and provide images to back up their examples. No matter what motivated a visitor to come to the landing page, they can get a sense of how this product will be useful to them.


This beautiful landing page is a great example of how good marketing can improve the conversion rate. Throughout the page, mouth-watering pictures of delicious food draw users in and make them want to sign up. The CTA button is conveniently located right at the top of the page so customers have no trouble finding it.


This photographer promotes their business by giving a good overview of their work and portfolio right on the landing page. Visitors can scroll through images of all different media and expressions. This highlights the expertise of the photographer.

Obe Live

When it comes to marketing, this is one of the best landing page examples of how to show as well as tell. The advertisements show happy people enjoying the Obe experience.

Visitors have the option of choosing several subscription options or doing a free trial.


The marketing angle for this page is to convince the customer that this is the best option for them. Whether customers are looking to create their own brand or design a website, RoAndCo asserts that they have just what the customer needs.


Kargo is a great example of using a landing page to market for a business. They highlight the services they offer and include testimonials from clients.

Semana DevOps

This is another great example of a minimalistic landing page. The company logo takes front and center, and the CTA button is right below.


Everything about this landing page design is fun and captivating. It encourages prospective surfers to try something new while reassuring them that they will be safe and have fun. The landing page uses a combination of images and call-to-action buttons to encourage the customer to sign up.


This landing page for a webinar site combines the concepts of a blog post and an FAQ section. Customers visiting the page will feel well informed, and this will encourage them to sign up for courses or webinars.


This landing page for a multimedia agency markets their services by making even potential clients feel heard and appreciated.


This landing page uses a simple design and muted color tones to put visitors at ease and catch their attention. The company includes insightful information about their work and awards. The landing page also includes testimonials from clients who explain what they like about working with the company.

James Wedmore

Here is an example of how landing pages can adapt to their target audiences. James Widmore starts out by identifying a common problem his audience faces and explaining how he will help overcome it.


This is a great example of a landing page for marketing. They offer their services to people who are looking to increase their conversion rate.


Using videos on landing pages is a great way to help drive a point home. This landing page is a good example of this. Through the video on the landing page, the co-founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer walks viewers through each step of the process and what they can expect.

Litchfield Builders




Here is another example of using a video as part of your marketing strategy. A team member explains the benefits of working with them and what customers can expect. They also provide proof of awards and certifications the company has received.

Claudia Rubin

This is a graphic designer’s landing page. On the main page, she provides some examples of the work she has done.

Rob Sobers

This landing page takes a bit of a different approach. The layout and style are simple and straightforward. Without creating too many visual distractions, he gets his point across and invites people to sign up for his newsletter.


Six is a branding and digital design company. Their landing page keeps the creative flair people expect from a design company. At the same time, they showcase their work to encourage customers to seek out their services.

Product for Net Zero

The landing page for Product for Net Zero encourages people to take action to help reduce global emissions. They help people become familiar with climate-friendly alternatives that apply to the business world.


Here is a landing page for an exploratory architectural design studio. Spacelab is a good example of how to use pop up ads in marketing. Each image provides a link that goes into more detail about a different part of the site.

Elite Martial Arts

Even small businesses can make use of landing pages for their website. The page is well organized and elegant. This business includes a Frequently Asked Questions section and some noteworthy statistics about the school.


This is a beautiful design for a landing page. The layout, color scheme, and aesthetic live up to the image they are going for. As a brand design agency, this is important, because the image they project is as much a part of their marketing as ads are.


Here is a landing page for a company that works with 3D images. Based in Germany, they work to provide high-quality service for companies around the world.

Perry Marshall

This is a coaching website for professionals looking for help to improve their online presence. The call to actions on this page invite people to sign up for the Google Ads Immersion coaching sessions. The rest of the landing page highlights the purpose of the seminars and explains how people will benefit.


Here is a company that works with creating social media-compliant ads for CBD and hemp. They help customers to create productive ads that follow all the guidelines but still attract curiosity from viewers.

Powell & Sons

This is a great example of combining a landing page and the homepage of a website. The website checks off all the important elements needed to convince people to keep scrolling.

FAQ on Landing Pages for Service Businesses

What’s the main purpose of a landing page for service businesses?

The primary purpose of a landing page is to capture leads and convert them into customers. You want a captivating page that entices visitors, showcases your services, and encourages them to take action, like signing up for updates, requesting a consultation, or making a purchase.

A well-crafted landing page is an essential tool for generating leads and boosting sales.

How can I make my landing page stand out?

To make your landing page stand out, focus on creating a unique and memorable design. Use eye-catching visuals, like images, videos, or illustrations, that represent your brand and services.

Craft compelling headlines and persuasive copy that speak directly to your target audience. Also, pay attention to the overall layout and color scheme to create a cohesive and visually appealing experience for your visitors.

What elements are essential for a high-converting landing page?

For a high-converting landing page, you’ll want to include a few key elements. First, a powerful headline that communicates your value proposition clearly. Next, persuasive copy that highlights the benefits of your services and addresses potential objections.

Engaging visuals, like images or videos, that support your message. And finally, a strong call-to-action that guides visitors toward the desired action. Keep the design clean, simple, and free of distractions.

How do I create an effective call-to-action (CTA)?

An effective CTA should grab your visitors’ attention and encourage them to take action. Use a contrasting color for your CTA button, so it stands out from the rest of the page.

Keep the text on the button clear and concise, like “Get a Quote,” “Book a Consultation,” or “Sign Up Now.” Add some urgency, like “Limited Time Offer,” to prompt visitors to act immediately. A powerful CTA can significantly impact your conversion rate.

Why is the visual aspect of my landing page crucial?

Visuals play a vital role in landing pages because they help communicate your message more effectively and create a positive impression.

High-quality images or videos showcasing your services can make your landing page more engaging and persuasive. Use visuals like infographics or icons to break up text and make your page more scannable. Ensure that the visuals you choose are relevant to your services and reinforce your messaging.

How important is mobile optimization for my landing page?

Mobile optimization is critical, as an increasing number of people browse the web on their phones and tablets.

Ensure your landing page is mobile-responsive, meaning it adjusts automatically to fit different screen sizes. Use easy-to-read fonts and ensure buttons and links are large enough for users to tap easily. Keep your forms short and straightforward, as filling out long forms on mobile devices can be frustrating. Test your landing page on various devices to ensure a smooth user experience.

Should I use testimonials on my landing page?

Yes, including testimonials on your landing page can help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Choose testimonials relevant to the services you’re promoting on the landing page and highlight the specific benefits your customers have experienced. Use a mix of text, images, or video testimonials to make the section more engaging. Keep the testimonials genuine and relevant to make them more convincing.

How can I track the performance of my landing page?

Tracking the performance of your landing page is essential to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Use tools like Google Analytics to measure metrics like bounce rate, conversion rate, and time on page. Set up goals and track conversions to see how well your landing page is performing. Regularly analyze the data and make data-driven decisions to optimize your landing page for better results.

How can I improve my landing page’s loading speed?

Improving your landing page’s loading speed is crucial for providing a positive user experience and boosting your conversion rates.

To enhance the loading speed, start by optimizing your images and videos by compressing them without losing quality.

Use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your assets faster to users across different locations. Minify and combine your CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of requests your site makes.

Enable browser caching and use server-side compression, like GZIP.

Regularly test your landing page’s speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance.


Final Thoughts on Services Landing Page Examples

If you are looking for service landing page examples, this comprehensive list should give you a good start.

Great landing pages are the backbone of many businesses. Finding yourself at the top of the search results, increasing sign-ups; all this and more depends to some extent on good landing pages. Reviewing the examples in this article can help you to craft a landing page that is just as effective.

Even after you launch your landing page, don’t forget to keep tabs on how it performs. Over time, you may need to make a few adjustments so that you can have the best landing page possible.

If you liked this article on how to run a service business, you should also check out this one with service business websites.

We also wrote about similar topics like how to market a service business, how to scale a service business, how to sell a service business, service business vs product business, service business with low startup costs, and how to run a service business.

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Marija Angeli

Marija Angeli

Full Stack Developer