How To Get More Clients In A Salon: The Ultimate Guide

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The growth of a salon is dependent on clients. More clients mean more profit. But how do you attract new clients to your salon?

In this guide, we’ll dish out easy-to-implement strategies that will have clients lining up at your door. From tried-and-true techniques to some secret sauce, consider this your roadmap to salon success.

So, sit back, relax, and let’s see how to get more clients in a salon and increase your profits!

How to Get More Clients in a Salon in 12 Easy Steps

1. Know your clients and understand their needs

The first step when thinking about how to get more clients in a salon should be the clients themselves. What do we mean by this?

It simply means diving deep into understanding more about your ideal customer.

And to understand your clients, you need to know:

  1. Who They Are: Picture the people who would love your salon. Are they young trendsetters, busy professionals, or maybe retirees looking for some pampering? Knowing your audience helps you tailor your salon to their needs.
  2. What They Like: Consider their style, preferences, and what makes them smile. Are they into bold hair colors, classic cuts, or relaxing spa treatments? Understanding their tastes helps you offer services that resonate with them.
  3. Where to Find Them: Think about where your ideal clients hang out – online and offline. Are they scrolling through social media, reading local magazines, or attending community events? Knowing their haunts helps you target your marketing efforts effectively.
  4. Tailor Your Approach: Once you’ve got the lowdown on your dream clients, tweak your salon’s vibe, promotions, and communication style to match what they love. Speak their language, showcase services they crave, and make them feel like your salon is designed just for them.

By understanding your ideal clients, you’re not just running a salon – you’re creating a space where they feel right at home. This personal touch turns one-time visitors into loyal clients who keep coming back for more!

2. Fine-tune your services to fit your ideal customer

A salon license lets you do lots of things like haircuts, coloring, manicures, pedicures, and even makeup. Some salons team up with spas to offer even more services.

But here’s a heads up – trying to do everything might mean you end up doing just okay at everything. It’s like spreading yourself too thin. Instead, it’s better to be really good at one thing. That makes your salon stand out. And leaves room for you to put all the efforts into targeting your ideal customer.

Knowing your customers helps you offer services that match their needs and preferences. If your target audience loves trendy cuts and vibrant colors, you can gear your services towards those styles. This way, you’re more likely to attract and keep happy clients.

When you know your customers, marketing becomes a breeze. You can tailor your promotions and outreach efforts to appeal directly to the people who are most likely to become your loyal clients. It’s like speaking their language and showing them that your salon is the perfect fit for their needs.

3. Build a strong online presence

In the fast-paced world of beauty and style, having a strong online presence isn’t just a trend – it’s a beauty essential. Here’s why giving your salon a digital makeover is crucial if you want to learn how to get more clients in your salon:

Picture this – a potential client searches for a nearby salon, and your online presence pops up, looking sleek and inviting. That’s the power of visibility. A strong online presence ensures that your salon doesn’t just exist in the physical world but shines brightly in the digital realm, catching the eyes of those seeking beauty services.

Moreover, in the age of smartphones and instant information, clients expect businesses to be a click away. A stylish website, active social media profiles, and easy online booking fulfill these expectations. It’s not just about keeping up; it’s about exceeding client expectations and showing that your salon is tech-savvy and accessible.

Your online platforms are a canvas to display your salon’s artistry. High-quality visuals, client testimonials, and engaging content paint a picture of your expertise. Potential clients get a sneak peek into the magic you create, making them more inclined to choose your salon for their beauty needs.

In a bustling industry, staying competitive is non-negotiable. Clients are comparing salons online before deciding where to go. A strong online presence positions your salon as a modern, reliable choice. It’s not just about keeping pace with competitors; it’s about setting the standard and becoming the go-to salon in the digital landscape.

Building a strong online presence isn’t just about being present – it’s about making a statement. With the right digital flair, your salon can become the talk of the town, drawing in clients eager to experience the beauty and excellence you offer.

4. Create a stylish website

a salon website example

Your salon’s digital front door is none other than its website – the virtual mirror reflecting your style and expertise. Crafting a stylish salon website is more than just pixels and code; it’s your online salon space.

Yes, it’s true – having an independent website can be costly. But it provides marketing opportunities that are not available by other means.

A website provides a way for clients to discover the salon on the internet. Just like a client entering your salon, your website is the first interaction many potential clients have with your business. A sleek and stylish website sets the tone, conveying professionalism and attention to detail. It’s your chance to make a lasting first impression that draws clients in.

A website with a basic design can still be beneficial. It can include a logo, a list of salon services, online appointment scheduling, contact information, social media buttons, and location. It can also act as a hub linking to all the salon’s social media accounts.

A more complicated website design might include content marketing. Content marketing is one of the best ways to market a salon but it requires a bigger budget.

Also, a highly recommended aspect of either a basic or complex design is email signup on the landing page. Invite your clients to enter their email addresses to receive a free product or a newsletter. This enables future follow-up with more marketing strategies. This is a primary and effective marketing strategy for most businesses today.

5. Embrace online booking

Imagine your salon is a 24/7 beauty haven – that’s the magic of online booking. It’s not just about being tech-savvy; it’s about giving your clients a convenient way to connect with your salon.

With online booking, you’re offering them the freedom to schedule appointments anytime, anywhere. It’s like putting the salon in their hands, making it easy for them to choose the services they want and snag a spot in real-time. And the bonus? It reduces phone hassles and the likelihood of no-shows. Online booking isn’t just a tool; it’s a beauty ally that keeps your salon accessible and hassle-free for your clients.

The very best salon booking systems should do the following:

Simplify appointments

  • Easy Booking Anytime: Let your clients book whenever they want, 24/7. Online booking is like having your salon open all the time – perfect for busy schedules!
  • Skip the Phone Tag: No more waiting on the phone. Clients can pick their services, choose a time, and confirm their appointments online, all without a long chat.

Offer a user-friendly platform

  • Simple and Quick: Make sure your website is easy to use. Clients should find it a breeze to check services, pick stylists, and book appointments with just a few clicks.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Lots of people use their phones. A good online booking system works smoothly on smartphones, so clients can book on the fly.

Introduce real-time availability

  • Book Right Away: Clients love booking and getting it done instantly. Let them see real-time openings and grab a slot that fits their schedule – quick and easy.
  • No More No-Shows: Real-time scheduling means fewer no-shows. Clients can pick a time that works for them, reducing the chances of forgetting or double-booking. It’s a win-win!

Get More Clients with Trafft

Ready to turn your salon into a bustling hotspot for beauty enthusiasts?

Trafft booking software for salons is your secret weapon to attract and retain clients effortlessly. Here’s how this game-changer can help you get more clients in your salon:

trafft booking software and app

🌐 24/7 Accessibility: With Trafft, your salon never sleeps! Clients can book appointments anytime, anywhere, giving them the freedom to choose beauty on their terms.

🚀 Streamlined Booking: Say goodbye to phone tag and hello to seamless booking. Trafft simplifies the process, letting clients pick their services, choose their favorite stylists, and secure appointments in just a few clicks.

📱 Mobile Magic: In a world glued to smartphones, Trafft is mobile-friendly, ensuring clients can book on the go. Your salon becomes as mobile as your clients, making beauty just a tap away.

📆 Real-Time Openings: Instant gratification is key. Trafft showcases real-time availability, allowing clients to snag the perfect slot that fits their schedule. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it keeps them coming back for more.

Ready to elevate your salon experience and make your salon more profitable?

Embrace Trafft and watch the floodgates open to a wave of new clients. Kickstart your beauty revolution now! 💇‍♀️💅✨

6. Re-book clients

Your hard work in bringing new clients through the salon doors is just the beginning; the key is turning them into cherished regulars. An effective strategy? Scheduling their next appointment before they even think about reaching for their wallet. While clients may be pressed for time, taking a moment to secure their next visit ensures their loyalty.

Why is retaining regular clients so crucial? It’s all about securing a steady income stream for your salon. Rather than immediately diving into product recommendations after their appointment, shift the focus to securing their return visit. This customer-centric approach builds trust and keeps them coming back for the long haul.

To make this process seamless, consider employing cutting-edge software for salon appointments. Trafft, for instance, not only helps schedule future visits by allowing your clients to easily schedule recurring appointments but also offers handy appointment reminders. It’s like having a personal salon assistant, ensuring your clients never miss a beat in their beauty routine.

7. Use social media

Social media is an invaluable and inexpensive way to get new clients in a salon. It provides opportunities to connect to a larger audience of potential clients.

It also provides a great opportunity to showcase work and offer promotions. By using social media marketing, salons can interact with regular clients and attract new ones.

How can you use social media to get more clients?

  • Create accounts on as many social media platforms as you can keep up to date.
  • Keep social media accounts open to the public to reach more users. But be careful about sharing private information.
  • Make sure that each profile carries the correct business information. Make regular posts, doing so at least three times a week.
  • It’s possible to post pictures, offers, limited-time deals, or anything new about the salon. Or post articles about the industry or the community.
  • Share information that shows care and that will engage with clients. Social media users appreciate it when businesses respond to them.
  • If they are happy with the customer service they receive online they are more likely to recommend the business to others. So strive to answer comments or questions. Good online customer service can build a good reputation and increase referrals.
  • One important aspect of social media is hashtags. Hashtags categorize posts into themes and topics. They serve as a way to cross-reference content with other posts of the same hashtag.
  • Using popular hashtags ensures that more people see your posts. Look at other salon’s social media accounts to see what hashtags they are using.
  • Another common social media marketing method is to have a raffle. Ask people to follow the salon, share its photos, and tag the salon to enter the raffle for a chance to win something. This will increase follower growth  and can provide more potential customers.

8. Show off your work

Posting pictures of your work is also a great salon marketing strategy to help you get more clients. Pictures can be posted on social media accounts, blogs, websites, or a salon billboard.

Highlighting your talent is a great way to get more clients and make the salon stand out. However, don’t forget to ask permission from clients to take before and after pictures. Or make a family member be a model.

Showcase particular skills with pictures. For example, many hairdressers struggle to cut curly hair. If this is something you excel at, let the world know by posting pictures.

Another strategy is to build a selfie wall in the salon. Clients will spread the word about the salon with the fun pictures they take of themselves. Then, create incentives for clients to post pictures. One way to do this is by having a monthly hashtag contest.

Maintaining many social media accounts can seem daunting. However, using a platform that manages posts can alleviate the pressure. Some platforms available are Hootsuite, Plann, Buffer, and Loomly. Users can upload a batch of photos and schedule the posting to social media sites.

9. Get online reviews

Online reviews can make or break a business. About 98% of consumers read reviews before visiting a business.

These reviews influence the decisions of those who read them. Consumers see reviews as personal recommendations, which makes them very important.

Positive online reviews help a salon build trust with potential clients, drawing them in. They also provide the salon with authenticity.

It does not take many reviews to accomplish this – you can always ask their customers to write a review online. Even if one of every ten customers writes a review this is enough to build your salon’s reputation.

However, getting reviews is only half the battle. Salons also need to strive to limit negative reviews. Of course, it is impossible to never receive a negative review. With good teamwork, the salon can provide excellent customer service.

This leaves customers happy and more likely to write a positive review.

10. Use Internet advertising

Advertising via the Internet is another effective way how to get new clients in a salon. It distributes information, connects with clients, and targets new clients at reduced costs.

Every year consumers spend more time online. And more people than ever are connecting to social media.

So advertising via Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Google reaches a vast number of people. So, if you’re a salon owner looking to promote and market your salon and get new clients, take advantage of these tools.

Facebook Ads

Three billion people use Facebook every month making it a great platform to advertise on. After building a large following on social media sites, most accounts continue to gain followers.

But when starting out, it is a good idea to use Facebook ads to get new clients in your salon. If done right, this can provide your salon with a lot of exposure for a small amount of money.

Facebook Ads are pretty straightforward. Businesses can choose an objective, an audience, and set a workable budget.

With Facebook Ads, you can:

  • Tailor your promotions to specific demographics, interests, and locations. Whether you’re targeting trendsetting millennials or professionals seeking a beauty sanctuary, your ads can speak directly to your ideal audience.
  • Set a budget that aligns with your goals, ensuring you get the most bang for your advertising buck. It’s a cost-effective way to maximize your salon’s exposure.
  • Drive immediate action by incorporating strong CTAs in your ads. Encourage viewers to “Book Now” with a direct link to your online booking platform. Seamlessly integrate your irresistible services with the ease of scheduling – turning interest into appointments.
  • Create a sense of urgency and excitement by promoting limited-time offers or exclusive discounts. Highlighting promotions in your Facebook Ads can motivate potential clients to take the leap and experience your salon’s exceptional services.
  • Leverage Facebook’s robust analytics to measure the performance of your ads. Track metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your advertising strategy, ensuring that every dollar spent contributes to your salon’s success.

Taking time to understand and use Facebook ads can have a huge benefit for small salon owners. For those with larger salons, it is advisable to use some of their marketing budget for a Facebook ad agency.

Instagram Ads

using instagram ads to get more clients in your salon

Instagram is a visual haven, and your salon’s story deserves to be told in stunning visuals. Use Instagram Ads to showcase your salon’s artistic flair – share before-and-after transformations, intricate nail art, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. Let your images speak volumes and create a visual narrative that captivates potential clients. Use Instagram’s Carousel Ads to provide a comprehensive view of your salon’s offerings and ambiance.

For a more in-depth look at your salon, consider creating longer-form content in IGTV. Feature tutorials, stylist spotlights, or virtual salon tours. Instagram Ads can direct viewers to your IGTV content, providing a deeper dive into the unique personality of your salon.

Also, consider finding local influencers or collaborating with beauty enthusiasts to extend your reach. Influencer partnerships can introduce your salon to a broader audience, leveraging their followers’ trust and interest in beauty-related content.

What’s more, Instagram Ads support interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and countdowns. Integrate these features to engage potential clients actively. For example, a countdown to a special promotion creates a sense of urgency, prompting viewers to take action and book an appointment.

If your salon has over 10,000 followers or is a verified business account, take advantage of the coveted “Swipe Up” feature in Instagram Stories Ads. Directly link your ad to your website, online booking platform, or promotional page, making it seamless for viewers to explore and take action.

Google Pay-Per-Click Ads

Google ads illustration

Google Ads are effective if you want to get more clients in your salon. Advertisements on Google appear when someone searches for keywords or similar businesses.

This is effective because it displays ads to people who are already looking for a salon. Whereas Facebook displays ads to a general audience.

Another benefit to using Google ads is that users only pay when there is a result. In other words, users pay Google only when someone clicks on their ad.

With pay-per-click ads (or PPC) users set a budget, choose keywords, and then write advertisements.

On average, small businesses make double their investment in Google Ads. This proves that when used correctly, Google pay-per-click ads are a powerful tool.

YouTube Ads

In the realm of video content, YouTube stands as a powerful platform where your salon’s charisma can shine brightly. Unleashing the potential of YouTube Ads can elevate your salon’s presence and allure, attracting a wave of new clients.

YouTube helps you:

  • Educate and engage your audience with tutorial videos. Share styling tips, beauty hacks, or quick tutorials featuring your salon’s expertise. These videos not only showcase your skills but also position your salon as an authority in the beauty space.
  • Reach specific demographics, interests, and viewing behaviors. Craft ads tailored to your ideal audience, ensuring that your salon’s message resonates with those most likely to become clients.
  • Implement remarketing campaigns to reconnect with viewers who have engaged with your salon’s content. This helps reinforce your brand, keeping your salon top of mind when they decide to book their next beauty session.
  • Have clickable CTAs, driving viewers to take immediate action. Direct them to your salon’s website, online booking platform, or a dedicated promotional page. Make it seamless for intrigued viewers to transition from watching an ad to scheduling an appointment.
  • Share stories of your satisfied clients through video testimonials. Authentic experiences resonate with potential clients, building trust and credibility. YouTube Ads can spotlight these testimonials, providing a firsthand look at the positive impact your salon has on clients.

11. Don’t neglect local marketing

Marketing within a local community is another great method of how to get more clients in a salon. Local marketing targets consumers within a set radius of the business’s physical location.

This marketing strategy includes word-of-mouth referrals, networking, and creating partnerships.

Word-of-mouth referrals

Even when salons do not have a deliberate referral marketing strategy they acquire new clients from word-of-mouth referrals. Instead of leaving things to chance, strive to capitalize on this method.

One important way to receive referrals is to make customers happy. Make an effort to excel at your job.

Be kind to customers and treat them well. Good customer service and professional work is a sure way to get referrals.

Another way to get referrals is to provide incentives. For example, offer clients a free haircut if they bring in new clients.


salon business cards

Image source: Hannah W Ford

Networking is an excellent opportunity to get new clients through free advertising. Promote the salon by making business cards, coupons, or flyers. Go to social places like bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc to pass out the business cards.

Be friendly with nearby businesses. Give them flyers to introduce them to the salon. Offer them a discount or a coupon in return for passing out your business cards to their customers.

Partnerships with local businesses

How to get even more clients in a salon? Team up with local businesses with similar services. Partnering with another business takes many forms.

One idea is to sell or exclusively use a business’s products in exchange for advertising. Or create wedding or graduation packages and partner with photographers or venues.

Another idea is to make a deal with a company or factory to provide discounted services to their workers. Or, you can partner with a charity – offer discounts to those in need, like single mothers. Alternatively, you can give a portion of the profits to a charity of your choice.

12. Run promotions

promotion example for a hair salon

Image source: Amber Graphics

Promotions are also an excellent marketing tool if you’re looking for a battle-tested method on how to get new clients in a salon.

Limited-time deals are especially helpful for slow periods. If a day of the week or a month is slow, use promotions to drive people into the salon.

Instead of offering discounts, salons can add value to the deal. For example, a salon could offer a deep conditioning treatment with every haircut.

Clients love a valuable deal so this will draw new clients and encourage them to return.

Some ideas for promotions are:

  • First-time special – give a special price or an extra service for someone’s first visit
  • Last-minute special – give a small discount for last-minute customers who come in on a slow day
  • Regular customer special – include a perk if a customer returns many times
  • Monthly specials – run a special on a different service each month
  • Seasonal specials – have a summer or winter promotion
  • Packages – create packages for weddings, graduations, etc.

How to Get New Clients in a Salon: Takeaway

As we wrap up this journey that focuses on unlocking the secrets of how to get more clients in a salon, it’s evident that success lies in a harmonious blend of understanding your audience, embracing modern digital tools, and creating an inviting salon experience.

Begin by truly understanding your clients – their desires, preferences, and aspirations. Tailor your services and create an inviting ambiance that resonates with their expectations.

Then, strike a balance between diversity and specialization. While offering a range of services appeals to a broader audience, excelling in a chosen niche ensures an unforgettable salon experience.

Moreover, embrace the digital realm with a stylish website, engaging social media, and strategic online advertising. Make your salon stand out not just for its services but for the compelling story it tells online.

Finally, extend the journey beyond the first appointment by scheduling recurring visits. Focus on client retention rather than immediate product pushes, and offer seamless online booking for enhanced convenience.

In this beauty-filled journey, success isn’t just about attracting clients; it’s about creating an experience that keeps them returning. Your salon is more than a space for transformations; it’s a community celebrating style and self-care.

May your salon flourish, chairs stay filled, and brushes create masterpieces!

FAQs About Getting More Clients in a Salon

1. What are some effective strategies for promoting a salon and attracting more clients?

There are various efficient methods for publicizing a salon and luring in new customers. The most well-liked ones include giving out special discounts or promotions, using social media and online advertising to reach a larger audience, collaborating with nearby companies or organizations to promote your services, and holding workshops or events that highlight your knowledge and offerings.

2. How can I improve the customer experience in my salon to increase client retention and referrals?

Consider emphasizing outstanding service, individualized attention, and a welcoming environment to enhance the client experience in your salon and boost client retention and referrals. To make your customers feel valued and appreciated, you can also provide loyalty programs, individualized advice, and extras like complimentary refreshments or Wi-Fi.

3. Are there any specific marketing tactics that work well for salons, such as social media advertising or email campaigns?

Absolutely, salons can use email campaigns and social media advertising as successful marketing strategies. With the support of social media sites like Instagram and Facebook, you can promote your work and gain a following, while email campaigns may be used to connect with current customers and provide them with service updates or specials.

4. How can I differentiate my salon from competitors to stand out and attract more clients?

Focus on delivering distinctive and specialized services, establishing a strong brand identity and reputation, and offering top-notch customer service to set your salon apart from the competition and stand out. Also, you can attract new customers by promoting your skills on social media and in online reviews and by providing special deals or bundles.

5. Should I offer discounts or promotions to incentivize new clients to try my salon?

Providing specials or discounts might be a wonderful approach to entice new customers to check out your salon. But, it’s crucial to make sure that these promotions are viable and won’t have a negative impact on your business’s bottom line over time. To draw in new customers, you may also think about providing referral incentives or no-cost consultations.

6. What are some effective ways to build relationships with potential clients and convert them into loyal customers?

Focus on giving potential clients individualized attention, providing outstanding service, and following up with them after appointments if you want to develop relationships with them and turn them into devoted customers. You can also use social media or email campaigns to stay in touch, as well as referral bonuses like discounts or free services.

7. Is it important to have an online presence, such as a website or social media profiles, for my salon in order to attract more clients?

Certainly, having a presence online is crucial for bringing in more customers to your salon. You may promote your services, gain a following, and reach a larger audience with the aid of a website and social media accounts. To establish credibility and trust with potential customers, you can also leverage internet reviews and testimonials.

8. How can I leverage positive reviews and testimonials from existing clients to attract new business?

Showcase gratifying feedback and endorsements from previous customers on your website, in your social media profiles, and in your marketing materials to capitalize on them. Also, you can entice customers to post reviews on well-known directories like Yelp or Google by giving them rewards.

9. Are there any networking opportunities or partnerships I should explore to expand my client base?

Undoubtedly, networking opportunities and joint ventures can help you grow your clientele. To meet potential customers and develop your brand, think about joining forces with regional companies or organizations, going to trade shows or conferences, or joining neighborhood networking groups.

10. How can I use data and analytics to track and improve my salon’s performance in terms of attracting and retaining clients?

Consider analyzing measures like customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, and retention rate to track and enhance your salon’s success in terms of bringing in and keeping customers. Making data-driven judgments regarding your marketing and customer service initiatives also allows you to pinpoint areas that need improvement.

You may obtain and analyze customer data more effectively by utilizing technology, such as appointment booking and scheduling software and customer relationship management (CRM) solutions.

You can see trends, pin down areas of weakness, and make tactical changes to better serve your clients’ requirements and draw in new clients by routinely examining and analyzing your salon’s performance indicators.

11. How can I build my salon clientele?

Building a robust salon clientele requires a strategic approach. Start by understanding your target audience and tailoring your services to meet their needs. Embrace a strong online presence through a stylish website and active social media engagement. Utilize digital advertising, offer promotions, and encourage word-of-mouth marketing through exceptional customer experiences. Consider loyalty programs and referral incentives to retain and expand your client base.

12. How long does it take to build a salon clientele?

The timeframe for building a salon clientele varies, depending on factors like location, marketing efforts, and service quality. Generally, it takes several months to a year to establish a solid client base. Consistent marketing, exceptional service, and positive word-of-mouth can expedite this process. Patience is crucial, as long-term success often involves gradually building trust and loyalty with clients.

13. What makes the salon business thrive?

A thriving salon business hinges on a combination of factors. Exceptional customer service, skilled and personable staff, a welcoming salon atmosphere, and staying current with industry trends contribute to success. Utilizing digital tools for marketing, maintaining a strong online presence, and adapting to client preferences are also key. Consistent quality, effective marketing, and a commitment to client satisfaction form the foundation for a thriving salon.

14. What to do when the salon is quiet?

During quiet periods, capitalize on the opportunity to enhance your salon’s offerings and engage with clients. Consider running promotions or introducing loyalty programs to incentivize visits. Use the downtime for team training or to refresh the salon space. Boost your online presence with engaging social media content or exclusive online promotions. Offering limited-time discounts during quiet periods can also attract clients, helping to keep your salon buzzing even during slower times.

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Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov is a Content Marketing and SEO Specialist who uses both words and data to communicate a message and deliver value. With more than 5 years of experience in digital marketing and content production in the IT industry, she loves identifying and solving the readers’ pain points and creating targeted content.

Curious about the human mind and emotions, especially those that drive consumer behavior. Likes fitness, food preparation, board games, reading (both for pleasure and learning), and binge-watching Netflix.