Salon Marketing Strategy to Get From Clicks to Customers

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Developing a salon marketing strategy is essential to promote your business successfully. The salon industry becomes increasingly competitive each day and creating a well-defined salon marketing strategy will make you stand out in the competitive landscape. 

With the right approach to your salon marketing efforts, you can attract new clients, improve customer retention, and establish an influential and recognizable brand.

Let’s dive deeper into the importance of marketing strategy for beauty salons and explore the best options to help you gain a competitive advantage. 

Why Is a Marketing Strategy for a Salon Important?

A thoughtfully crafted salon marketing strategy serves as a roadmap to guide your marketing efforts. It helps you identify your target market, understand their needs and preferences, and create marketing campaigns that resonate with them. 

When you create a marketing strategy for your salon, you’ll see that a strategic approach will help you increase visibility among potential customers. There are various marketing channels you can utilize to reach a wider audience and create a recognizable brand. 

Doing marketing without a strategy can do your salon more harm than good. You can waste resources, time, and money without seeing any positive impact on your bottom line. A salon marketing strategy allows you to tailor your marketing efforts and create content that attracts your ideal customers. By diving deeper into their demographics, interests, and behaviors, you’ll create tailored campaigns that evoke better engagement, response, and conversion rates

Once you start implementing your salon marketing strategy, you’ll also start building your brand. The brand is all about staying consistent across all channels which builds trust and attracts new customers. You want to establish your salon as trustworthy and reliable to attract new clients and enhance customer loyalty. And it’s hard to achieve that without a carefully planned marketing strategy for your salon. 

Ultimately, your strategy will differentiate your salon from competitors and highlight your unique selling points to showcase your industry expertise and services effectively. 

The Best Options for Salon Marketing Strategy

When there are so many options available, it’s getting harder and harder to choose the right salon marketing strategy. Let’s see which options work best for beauty salons:

Google business profile

Creating a Google business profile is a fundamental step in boosting your salon’s online presence and visibility. It literally and figuratively puts your salon on the map, as it can appear in local search results and on Google Maps. It’s important to optimize your profile with accurate information, update it frequently, and add high-quality images of employees, salon, and equipment, but also encourage customers to leave reviews.

You should also promote special deals on your Google business profile to encourage new customers to book an appointment and get more clients in the salon

To get started with Google’s business profile, you should claim and verify it. This process ensures that you, as a rightful owner, have full control of your profile. Add your salon’s name, address, phone number, website, and services to complete your profile. Once everything is up and running, promote special deals and events as posts and try Google Ads directly from your profile. 

Reward loyalty

It’s not enough to get new customers, you should also pay close attention to retaining old and new customers alike. Implementing loyalty programs is an effective salon marketing strategy that will help you have repeat customers who also refer your salon to others. You can offer loyalty points, discounts, loyalty coupons, and exclusive perks for repeat visits, referrals, and testimonials.

By rewarding loyalty, you not only increase customer retention but also foster powerful word-of-mouth marketing

Social media marketing for salons

Different social media options for salon marketing strategy illustration

Image by Freepik

Social media marketing for salons is an excellent opportunity to engage with your target market and showcase your expertise and services. To successfully implement it in your salon marketing strategy, you should choose channels and create compelling content including before-and-after photos, tips, interactive Q&A, and testimonials.

With billions of active users across different platforms, you have a unique opportunity to connect with potential customers and bring them one step closer to booking an appointment in your salon. There are also influencers on each platform and collaborating with them will bring your salon the recognition and reliability it deserves. Partnering with influencers whose audience aligns with your brand is a powerful way to move the needle in your business. 

Don’t forget to engage and interact with your audience. This is the most important step of your salon marketing strategy – to form meaningful connections with potential customers. Encourage conversations, be friendly and approachable, inspire loyalty, and motivate customers to create user-generated content. Building a community around your salon will foster meaningful connections, and engagement, and drive sales. 

To stay on top of things when it comes to social media for your salon, it’s great to develop a content calendar and maintain a regular schedule for posting, engagement, and interaction. 

Salon advertising

Besides traditional advertising methods that can still be effective, you should also run salon ads on popular online platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Google. The key is to meet your customers where they are and create attention-grabbing salon ads. If your customers read local newspapers, magazines, and beauty-related publications, it’s also a great idea to include these in your advertising efforts. 

Incorporating advertising into your salon marketing strategy will drastically increase your reach and help you attract the right customers. With in-depth targeting options, your ideal customers will get to know your brand and see what you’re all about. There are numerous options, from social media ads that are great for boosting engagement, followers, and awareness, to Pay-per-click (PPC) ads that will drive additional revenue to your business. For businesses looking to maximize their advertising efforts, working with one of the top PPC agencies can be highly beneficial. These agencies specialize in creating targeted PPC campaigns that effectively reach and convert potential customers, ensuring a substantial return on investment and driving significant growth for your business.

Don’t get us wrong, social media advertising will also help you with attracting new customers and you should combine different types of ads to get the best results. Remarketing is also something you should consider for your salon to stay on top of the minds of potential customers who’ve already shown interest in your services. 

Choose the right marketing tools for salons

Investing in the right salon marketing tools can also make a big difference in your business. They have the power to streamline your efforts and help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. From customer relationship management (CRM) software to email marketing platforms, these tools will help you to effectively promote your salon and get the most out of your efforts. 

When choosing salon marketing tools, don’t forget about analytical tools (e.g. Google Analytics) that will tell you how well you’re performing and give valuable insights into how you can further optimize and improve your marketing. With social media marketing tools for salons, you’ll stay on top of things and stay consistent with posting and engaging with your audience on any platform. 

And if you are looking for more inspiration, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Check out the most effective salon marketing ideas that’ll leave your customers waiting in lines to get to you.

When You Grow – Trafft Is the Best Support

trafft dashboard

Marketing is all about continuous evaluation and monitoring of your progress and performance. It’s okay to not get it right on the first try, but don’t give up. Adjust your salon marketing strategy based on real-life data, customer feedback, and salon industry trends. Refining your strategy will help you to better understand your customers, how they perceive your salon, and how to provide them with the best services.

And once you reap the benefits of your salon marketing strategy, you’ll need a powerful partner to supercharge your growth. Trafft is the salon management software that will keep your schedule organized, inspire brand loyalty, and automate boring, repetitive tasks. Your customers will be able to book appointments online 24/7, and you can watch your salon’s revenue grow from one powerful business dashboard. Get valuable insights into new and returning customers and preferred services and tailor your salon marketing strategy to perfectly respond to customers’ everchanging needs.

Trafft offers a unique opportunity to reward loyal customers with coupons, receive upfront payments, manage multiple salon locations, and reduce no-shows with automated appointment reminders – all with one easy-to-use tool. Implement Trafft in your salon for free and experience it firsthand!

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Tamara Jovanovic

Tamara Jovanovic

Tamara Jovanovic is an SEO Content Specialist who enjoys learning about different industries, people, and how to solve problems through content. She is curious by nature and eager to experiment with new ideas that could provide value to readers. Often she spends hours analyzing why things worked or didn’t so she could be equipped with data and improve with every new task. Likes reading, learning, playing games, growing plants, and enjoying a good cup of coffee.