The best personal trainer client tracking options to use

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Many industries are facing big challenges in this post-pandemic world. One of them is the personal training industry.

Exercising online and conducting a fitness business remotely can seem like impossible achievements. But it does not have to be that way.

There are excellent solutions for personal trainer client tracking.

Technology, social media, and the Internet can be excellent tools for any coach or trainer that wants to succeed in the 21st century.

There are a variety of apps that adjust to different personal trainer needs. They may offer online invoicing, an exercise library, telestration, and personalized report charts.

Moreover, each platform offers different pricing plans, helping to manage finances. Some of these options have free versions available.

This guide presents some of the best solutions for conducting in-person and remote fitness sessions.

Guide to finding the best personal trainer client tracking software

Practice Better

Practice Better

Are you wasting too much time on management tasks? Do you find yourself invoicing and scheduling appointments instead of doing creative work?

Practice Better is an excellent platform that will help to save time and improve effectiveness.

This software is an excellent tool for scheduling and booking. Clients can book a class from the app or from your website.

Both platforms are fully synchronized. So an appointment made in the app is also blocked out on the website.

Communication is always key. Personal trainers can send messages to clients through the platform.

This helps to avoid multiple email exchanges. Practice Better provides a well-organized messaging system in the app.

The system also allows trainers to send automated messages, reminders, and resources.

Practice Better offers the possibility to assign tasks and track results. Provide comprehensive online personal training by integrating multiple services into the mobile app.

Thus, personal trainers can provide health and general wellness services. The application can then track the results.

For a better follow-up, set up reminders, track client progress, and keep notes from previous sessions.

Practice Better makes life easier with its simple booking program, tracking options, and messaging system.

Practice Better in a nutshell:

  • Message clients through the app
  • Set automatic reminders and keep notes from previous sessions
  • Easy scheduling and booking from the software platform and your website
  • Avoid double booking

PT Distinction, the best-reviewed personal trainer client tracking app

PT Distinction, the best-reviewed personal trainer client tracking app

This is generally considered the best personal training software in the market. The reason is simple: it integrates everything a personal training software should have in a single app.

Running a fitness business can be a challenging enterprise. For this reason, trainers need a mobile app to take care of the management tasks.

This is a good option for all personal trainers. Especially those who focus on improving health habits and encouraging a lifestyle change.

The best thing about this software is that it has a high level of customization and a wide variety of features.

For example, trainers can add their logo to the platform so that clients are familiar with the brand. Thus, a customer becomes an essential part of your community.

Among PT Distinction’s many features:

  • web integration
  • nutrition plans and reports
  • control of the fitness process
  • customizable forms and assessments
  • incorporation of photo journals
  • templates and additional workouts
  • customer support

PT Distinction is a superb personal trainer client tracking software. It saves time, boosts business, and establishes your philosophy as a personal trainer.

PT Distinction in a nutshell:

  • High customization
  • Add your brand
  • Workout templates
  • Food plans and reports
  • Incorporation of photo journals

True Coach

True Coach

For those who like to plan ahead, this personal trainer software is ideal. It allows trainers to prepare workouts in advance so they can design a long-term strategy for each client.

True Coach enables trainers to carry out a thorough and tailored tracking process.

Personal trainers can design follow-up charts with personalized metrics. The system will generate compliance reports in different periods (daily, weekly, monthly).

With this app, users have access to a large library with exercises and workout sessions. It is also possible to import Vimeo and YouTube videos or make your own ones using your logo or brand.

Personal training becomes easier with this software’s comprehensive graphics and planning possibilities.

True Coach features in a nutshell:

  • Prepare workouts in advance
  • Calendar features for easy scheduling and follow-up
  • Easy tracking
  • Tailored measures for graphs

Total Coaching

Total Coaching

This is an interesting option for specialists in training and nutrition programs. They can conduct nutrition analysis in real-time, write questionnaires, and add their brand.

Coaches can connect with clients through private messages on the platform.

Total Coaching takes personal training to the next level. It provides detailed nutrition feedback including water intake, macros, and calorie tracker.

Each client can upload their own recipes to the app’s database using a tool called “Fridge Feature”.

Online training can be challenging as it oftentimes lacks that personal connection. This app helps to narrow the gap between exercise and technology.

Clients report their progress by updating their weight and uploading photos. They can also upload videos of their exercises for supervision and feedback.

This app provides an environment where clients can independently perform their routine. They can manage their schedule so that they can do their workouts whenever they have free time.

This works especially well for people with shifting work hours.

Total Coaching is the best option for clients and professionals who find nutrition to be an important part of their fitness strategy.

Total coaching features in a nutshell:

  • Nutrition analysis in real-time
  • Detailed diet follow-up and feedback
  • Possibility for clients to film their workout session and upload it
  • 1,000 animated exercises in 3D
  • More than 25,000 foods to design meal plans



In every relationship, communication is key. This also counts for the relation between coaches, gym owners, and customers.

ClubWorx is the ideal app for a fitness studio or gym. It offers smooth communication with clients and a steady stream of payments.

Every modern business needs comprehensive software that helps save time and optimize earnings. This is exactly what ClubWorx offers.

Users enjoy features like a custom website, automated SMS, attendance, client list, and client reports. With SMS and email integration, ClubWorx is one of the best apps in the training industry.

This program connects trainers with their clients. It engages them, enabling trainers to build a loyal client base that will endure.

ClubWorx in a nutshell:

  • Ideal option for studios
  • SMS and emails integrated
  • Easy communication
  • Automated payments available
  • Free customizable website

Nudge Coach

Nudge Coach

The main purpose of this app is to enhance trainer/client relationships beyond the gym. This helps to develop a sense of community and creates a loyal customer base.

Coaches and fitness trainers can set up daily parameters and exercises. This allows them to keep track of their client’s progress.

Clients know that their performance is being tracked, so it encourages them to do their exercise routines.

Nudge Coach encourages users to improve their lifestyles and adopt healthier habits. They can track their routines and daily habits on the software.

Or they can synchronize Nudge Coach with other popular applications. Some of these apps or devices may be Apple Watch, FitBit, or others.

Trainers will be able to store and track all this data. They can then assess and adjust the exercises for a better workout.

When necessary, they can share these updates with clients directly through the app.

Nudge Coach features in a nutshell:

  • Set up parameters for effective follow-up
  • Encourage healthy habits among clients
  • Synchronize with other popular applications
  • Properly organize and store clients´ information for better follow-up

Crossfit BTWB

Crossfit BTWB

This is one of the best-established fitness platforms and it is now the official CrossFit app. Crossfit BTWB has earned a place on this list due to its comprehensive capabilities.

It tracks a variety of lifestyle parameters including hydration, mobility work, and sleep. The parameters are so detailed that they even include fish oil intake.

Likewise, the software presents a very itemized workout tracking system.

The app generates reports on performance, imbalances, PRs, and weaknesses. Clients will be able to see a ranking according to these parameters to assess their level of fitness.

Online personal trainers or fitness businesses can send workout routines to clients. However, they cannot send them messages.

They are able to write comments on a client’s performance and the social feed only allows for emojis.

This is not the best option for communication. But it offers a variety of tools that help to provide high-quality personal training services.

CrossFit BTWB in a nutshell:

  • Track a variety of lifestyle parameters
  • Comprehensive workout tracking
  • Comprehensive reports and possibility to self-assess performance
  • Send feedback to clients but not personal messages

The Training Notebook

The Training Notebook

The Training Notebook is one of the best-designed apps for personal trainers.

It was created by a personal trainer. The goal is to better manage client information and optimize results.

The app presents one of the best prices in the fitness market with a wide variety of features. This creates the perfect balance between cost and benefit.

Everything you need is set up on the main page of the app. This includes each client’s workout routine, schedule, assessment, and contact information.

Creating workouts is very simple with this software. It is possible to copy-paste workouts, work on existing templates, and send the program to clients.

Create and send workout routines within minutes.

Other features include body assessment tools. This allows the storing of before-and-after body pictures.

It is also possible to schedule sessions through the app.

The Training Notebook in a nutshell:

  • Before-and-after picture assessment tool
  • One of the most affordable training apps on the market
  • All information and reports in one place
  • Prepare workout sessions within minutes with a copy-paste feature and pre-built templates



Every month, the first client in Trainerize is free. This offers a great opportunity for coaches to try its features.

When training online or conducting exercise sessions through an app, it is vital to feel comfortable with the software. The client base won’t like it if you change platforms very often.

With Trainerize one can train online or in-situ. It offers a wide variety of essential features for running a successful personal training business.

Users can integrate Trainerize with many apps. They will also have all the information and client’s needs in one single dashboard.

The program presents a number of tools for tracking client’s progress. These include before-and-after pictures, integration with nutrition apps and FitBit, custom goal settings and follow-up, share notes and meal plans.

Trainerize advanced plans include payment and communication systems built in the app. This includes major virtual wallets such as PayPal, Shopify, and Stripe.

Trainerize in a nutshell:

  • Payment and message systems included
  • Nutrition management
  • Integration with a variety of applications
  • Variety of follow-up options
  • Train both online and in-person



FitSW is committed to helping trainers run their businesses. It also aims to create a community of fitness professionals and gyms.

The app offers everything a fitness enterprise needs to succeed in the 21st century.

It is an affordable option that features team accounts, automated payments and emails, and an exercise library. Also diet guidelines, progress tracking, calendars for easy scheduling, and a workout builder.

With these features, any trainer can design tailored sessions and workouts.

It is easy to track client progress thanks to the app’s flexibility. Fitness professionals can follow up on their clients’ progress on any device.

They can also record a variety of workout sessions from one single location.

Moreover, FitSW has fully customizable charts. These can help to track almost anything from waistline to body fat.

It also features a large database with exercise demos.

FitSW in a nutshell:

  • Fully customizable charts
  • Schedule sessions with a calendar
  • Workout builder
  • Exercise library
  • Record workout sessions from one single location
  • Access a database with exercise demos

This app offers a comprehensive solution for fitness professionals. You can manage your business from one single platform.

It offers complete assessment, workout delivery, effective scheduling, payment processing, and much more.

Trainers can add exercises and videos and create workouts for group sessions or individuals. It synchronizes with MyFitnessPal, thus providing a more comprehensive approach to personal training.

Track client progress through follow-up photos, assessment questions, and measurements. It is possible to generate reports based on attendance and performance.

The platform is useful for trainers with many clients as it provides tools to follow up on each client’s progress.

The “snapshot” mode provides access to client profiles. From here, trainers can view a client’s performance data and their completed workouts. generates a leaderboard for each daily workout routine. If they find one of the exercises too hard, clients can choose an alternative.

They can also log and track their exercises.

This is one of the most convenient apps for client management and easy result tracking. in a nutshell:

  • Create exercises for groups and individuals
  • Integration with MyFitnessPal
  • Snapshot mode through which to access each client’s performance data
  • Leaderboard for each daily routine
  • Clients can choose alternative exercises and log their workouts


Get more bookings with the right tool for the job

Staying organized has never been easier.

You can now manage your business and grow your brand with a single, powerful software that keeps all of your appointments in line, your clients organized and your business booming.

Trafft is the perfect personal trainer software for business owners who need to streamline their booking experience both for their staff and their clients.


Trafft handles everything for you, even sending automated email or SMS reminders to your clients. No-shows? Not anymore!

The Trafft booking software adapts to different industries for a blissful online booking experience and employee management.

Want to know more? Check out Trafft’s awesome features to see what you are missing.


Coach’s Eye

Coach’s Eye brings an innovative approach to the online coaching market. It allows coaches to follow up and give instant feedback to trainees through videos.

This generates a unique interaction, helping clients improve their technique when doing workouts.

Clients can record themselves for the trainer’s follow-up. Trainers can watch the videos in slow motion for a deeper analysis of the training process and add notes for feedback.

Through video recording, coaches can use tools such as telestration and slow-motion playback. They can compare the movements of two different videos side-by-side.

This gives trainers an effective solution for online training. It also provides clients with an excellent opportunity to improve their technique.

Coach’s Eye is perfect to conquer the gap between exercise and technology. It will assist personal trainers to be successful in this digital age.

Coach´s Eye in a nutshell:

  • Excellent tool for video follow up
  • Excellent tool for clients to improve their technique
  • Telestration, side-by-side comparison, and slow-motion playback
  • Add notes for easy feedback

PT Minder

PT Minder

This is the ideal software for fitness professionals to manage their businesses. PT Minder takes care of the admin work.

This allows trainers to focus on the quality of the programs and the development of their studio.

Access the software from any device and save time while increasing your revenue. Thanks to PT Minder, trainers have everything they need to run a successful business in one app.

Enjoy easy scheduling and booking through a calendar, set up session reminders, and integrate with payment platforms. Create packages and membership programs for clients, conduct assessments, and manage training progress.

PT Minder in a nutshell:

  • Manage admin work and save time
  • Clients can pay online
  • Easy scheduling and booking
  • Create membership programs and promotions

My PT Hub

My PT Hub

With My PT Hub, one can carry out both in-person or online training. It offers a comprehensive solution for workout businesses.

It has a tutorial library and a large exercise database. This allows trainers to send clear workout instructions to clients.

They can also create workout documents to sell to clients and others.

Create and share unlimited nutrition and workout plans. Schedule training sessions with the app’s tools.

Other advantages include instant messages, shopping lists, and online payments.

My PT Hub’s mobile app can create personalized workouts and track clients’ progress and achievements. It also offers nutrition support and manages administrative tasks.

Brand the app to match your business. Accept online and recurring payments for long-term clients.

Be there for customers through a live chat. This software offers all that a trainer needs to achieve their goals today.

My PT Hub in a nutshell:

  • Take payment and recurring payment from clients
  • Database with more than 7,000 exercises
  • Shopping lists
  • Live chat for customer support
  • Nutrition follow up
  • Add your brand, logo, and colors to the platform

FAQs about personal trainer client tracking

1. How do personal trainers keep track of their clients’ progress?

Personal trainers employ a variety of techniques to monitor their customers’ advancement. They might measure things like circumferences, weight, and body fat percentage.

To evaluate development, they might also utilize performance-based metrics like strength and endurance tests. A client’s progress may also be tracked by the trainer by having them keep a training log or by using tracking software.

2. What methods do personal trainers use to track their clients’ nutrition and diet?

Personal trainers can track their customers’ diet and nutrition through food diaries or by asking them to use apps that track their meals.

They may also use various methods to measure body composition, such as skinfold measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis, or DEXA scans, to assess body fat percentage and track changes in body composition over time.

3. What tools or software can personal trainers use to track their clients’ fitness progress?

Personal trainers have access to a variety of fitness-tracking tools and software, including fitness tracking applications, wearable technology, and specialized software created just for personal trainers.

These technologies may give trainers information on their customers’ exercise, diet, and body composition, making it simpler to monitor progress and modify training programs as necessary.

4. How often do personal trainers assess their clients’ progress and adjust their workout plans accordingly?

Depending on the client’s goals, the present level of fitness, and training regimen, the frequency of progress evaluations and workout plan modifications may change.

Every 4-6 weeks, personal trainers typically evaluate their customers’ progress and modify their workout schedules accordingly.

5. How do personal trainers determine if a client is ready to progress to more advanced exercises or workouts?

Personal trainers monitor their clients’ form and technique, check their strength and endurance levels, and evaluate their progress toward their goals to determine whether or not they are ready for more difficult exercises or sessions.

When clients develop their level of fitness and exhibit good form and technique, trainers may gradually increase the intensity or complexity of workouts.

6. What kind of data do personal trainers collect about their clients and how do they use it to improve their training?

Data about a client’s body composition, degree of fitness, diet, and exercise preferences may be gathered by a personal trainer. With the use of this information, they may evaluate their progress, pinpoint their areas of weakness, and modify their training programs accordingly.

Trainers can use data to create individualized exercise and nutrition programs that are catered to each client’s needs and goals.

7. How do personal trainers track their clients’ adherence to their training plans?

By looking over exercise logs, following up with clients to see how they’re doing with their goals, and assessing changes in body composition and fitness level, personal trainers may keep track of how well their customers stick to their training programs.

Trainers can check in with clients and provide help and direction through communication options like messaging apps or email.

8. How do personal trainers handle setbacks or obstacles that may arise during their clients’ training?

Personal trainers can overcome difficulties or setbacks by reevaluating their clients’ goals and changing their training schedules accordingly. They might also provide direction and encouragement to assist clients to maintain their motivation and conquer obstacles. Trainers may also advise customers to seek assistance from other experts, such as dietitians or mental health specialists, if necessary.

9. How do personal trainers ensure that their clients are achieving their goals and making progress towards them?

Personal trainers frequently evaluate client progress, check adherence to training schedules, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that clients are reaching their goals.

Additionally, they assist clients to stay on track by providing support and direction, encouraging them to set objectives that are both attainable and practical, and celebrating their progress.

10. What are some best practices for personal trainers to track their clients’ progress in a way that is both efficient and effective?

Using a combination of performance and outcome-based assessments, such as strength testing and body composition measurements, and keeping an eye on trainees’ adherence to training programs are some best practices for personal trainers to track clients’ progress.

Also, personal trainers should maintain open lines of contact with their clients, offer comments on their development, and modify programs as necessary. Utilizing software and tools for fitness tracking can also help to speed up the process and provide more precise information on customers’ development.

In order to ensure that they are offering their clients the most efficient training regimens, personal trainers need also stay current on the most recent research as well as best practices in fitness and nutrition.

Ending thoughts on the best personal trainer client tracking options

There are a variety of apps providing excellent personal trainer client tracking options. They offer task management, food and exercise logs, private messaging, and advanced video feedback.

Any of the options described here can make the life of a personal trainer easier.

A training app is useful for online personal training and in-person sessions. It can be used by individual entrepreneurs, a large studio, or a gym.

It is important to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Choose the software with the tracking options that best suit your business and objectives as a trainer.

If you enjoyed reading this article about personal trainer client tracking, you should also check out this one on coaching apps.

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Ljubica Buha

Ljubica Buha

Ljubica Buha is a versatile enthusiast and a Digital Marketing Manager specialized in IT industry. By day, she crafts digital stories; by night, she dives into literature. She's equally at home exploring beneath the waves, carving through snow on a snowboard, and embracing the outdoors through hiking.