How to Get Clients for Your Cleaning Business?

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No matter if you’re launching a new cleaning business or looking to grow an established one, your first question will always be – how do I get clients for my cleaning business.

Acquiring new clients is crucial for your sustainability and expansion. It also boosts your revenue and enhances your brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Let’s explore some effective strategies on how to find clients for your cleaning business!

How to Get Cleaning Clients?

From leveraging local networks to mastering digital marketing strategies, there are numerous ways to draw in potential cleaning clients. Let’s explore practical and effective methods to help you grow your client base and boost your business.

Build an online presence with a professional cleaning business website

Having a website is a must, especially in the digital world in which we live right now.

A well-designed and thought-out website is your digital storefront. It’s showcasing your services and building credibility. But which types of cleaning websites actually convert visitors into clients? Make sure you cover all these elements:

  • Clear services presentation: Clearly outline the services you offer, detailing what each service entails. You can use bullet points or icons for easy readability.
  • User experience (UX) and design: Your website needs to have a logical layout that guides visitors from one section to another. Take care of clear lines, coherent color scheme, and high-quality images – all of this reflects your brand’s standards and professionalism.
  • Navigation and speed: Implement a simple menu with areas like ‘Home’, ‘About Us’, ‘Services’, ‘Booking page’, and ‘Contact’. Optimize images and streamline code to ensure website loads quickly.
  • Credibility and trust: Include a section for client testimonials to showcase past success and build trust with potential clients. Adding certifications and awards is also a great way to show your credibility.
  • Content and engagement: Write blog posts to share tips on cleaning, company updates and industry news. Don’t forget to implement SEO practices, such as keywords, meta title and description, and optimized URL.
  • Conversion elements: Clearly display your phone number and email address, and consider adding a live chat feature.

But why go through all this hassle?

If your clients can easily find you in a quick Google search, they are more likely to consider your services.

Website is one of the best ways to get clients for a cleaning business!

Implement an online booking system

Imagine the freedom from endless phone calls, the elimination of double-booked nightmares, and no more after-hours voicemails.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, an online booking system operates round the clock, allowing the clients to book their sessions on their terms and schedule, 24/7.

Trafft is the powerhouse in the online booking realm. This cleaning business scheduling software doesn’t just keep your calendar in check—it transforms your client interactions with a sleek, customizable booking page that showcases your availability in real-time.

Trafft can help you grow your cleaning business. Plus, it saves your time!

Why just manage when you can excel? Trafft offers a chance to expand your client base while securing loyalty with its user-friendly interface.

How to get more cleaning clients is an easy answer with Trafft – check out all of its features that help you achieve it!

Keep in mind that it’s FREE for up to five users! So you better sign up immediately because you’ve got nothing to lose! Additionally, you can also explore Trafft’s demos and see what it can do for you before commiting.

Leverage social media for marketing

Getting clients for cleaning business can be successfully achieved with the power of social media. Here are some ways to enhance your social media presence and potentially get new clients:

  1. Before and after photos: These are powerful testimonials of your service qualities. Post them during peak hours, either in the morning or late afternoon, when people are most active on social media. Ensure the photos are high-quality, showcasing the transformation of your services clearly.
  2. Cleaning advice and educational content: Share tips and tricks in various formats, such as short videos, infographics, or quick posts. This way, people will recognize your business as an expert and go-to resource in the field. You can post ‘Weekly Cleaning Tips’ showing  your audience how to properly clean a carpet stain, or give advice on cleaning products that should not be used together, like bleach and ammonia.
  3. Utilize targeted ads: Facebook and Instagram offer powerful targeting tools. You can reach specific demographics in your local area, or reach people who have shown interest in home improvement and cleaning services. Target your ads to address common pain points of potential customers.
  4. Consistent engagement: You need to regularly engage with followers by responding to comments, responding to direct messages, asking for feedback, and creating posts that invite interaction, such as polls about cleaning preferences or challenges.
  5. Posting consistency: You need a consistent posting schedule to keep the audience informed, and an algorithm in your favor. Depending on the platform, your posting schedule will vary. Five posts per week on Facebook is a good start, while one to two posts a day is beneficial for Instagram. TikTok is a fast paced platform, so one to four videos per day is needed to take advantage of its algorithm. Use tools like content calendars to maintain consistency without last-minute scrambling.

Whichever social platform you choose – Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or X – you can increase your visibility and engage potential clients – all of this can make you more reputable and trustworthy, attracting more clients to your business!

Plus, with booking form you’ve created with Trafft, scrollers will become paying customers by clicking the link in your bio!

Use online directories and platforms

Platforms like Yelp, Angi, Thumbtack, Google My Business and Home Advisor can be really helpful in your strategies of advertising your cleaning business and getting new clients.

Yelp can help you enhance credibility through customer reviews, while Angi builds trust with thorough vetting. Thumbtack connects you directly with customers seeking specific services.

With Google My Business, you can increase your local search visibility, while Home Advisor targets homeowners looking for professional cleaning services.

By setting up an account on each of these platforms, you will significantly expand your online presence and surely get more clients for cleaning business!

trafft shceduling software for getting cleaning clients
Image by on Freepik

Enhance your business through networking and referrals

By building strong relationships within your community and industry, you can tap into a steady stream of new cleaning clients. Networking not only increases your visibility but also establishes your reputation as a trusted professional. But how to do it for maximum impact?

Build relationship with existing clients

Before looking for new clients, cherish the ones you already have.

If you maintain a strong relationship with them, they are more likely to hire you for repeat business and refer you to friends and family – a key strategy on how to get more cleaning clients.

Show appreciation and ensure consistent quality to encourage them to continue choosing and recommending your service. Try out loyalty or birthday cupones, or offer discounts for every 5th or 10th cleaning session.

Your clients will know to appreciate it.

Partner with complementary businesses

Collaborate with businesses that offer complementary services, such as property management firms or real estate agencies. This way, you can get move-in/move-out cleaning jobs, tap into their customer base and gain referrals.

Ask for referrals from satisfied customers

Encourage your satisfied customers to recommend your business to their friends and family, and share their positive experience. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool in expanding your clients base, especially when learning how to get cleaning clients fast.

Consider offering the first cleaning service for free as a motivation for referrals. This way, potential clients can experience your services risk-free and motivate them to recommend your business. To actively seek referrals, you could:

  • Directly ask satisfied clients for referrals after a service.
  • Send follow-up emails thanking them for hiring you, and gently encourage them to refer friends and family.
  • Offer referral discounts or gift cards as a token of appreciation when they refer someone who becomes a client.

Offer promotions and discounts

If you want to get new clients for your cleaning business, introductory promotions can be a great way to attract first-time customers. Consider offering a range of promotions such as:

  • Discounted or free first cleaning: This allows clients to try out your services at lower risk and can help build trust.
  • Seasonal packages: Try out seasonal promotions, like spring deep clean or pre-holiday cleanup.
  • Holiday specials: Offer special rates during holidays, which is the time when people need extra cleaning help.
  • Package deals: Create packages that bundle services at a discounted rate, such as combination of window cleaning and carpet cleaning.
  • Group discounts: Encourage more bookings by offering discounts to clients who arrange group appointments with neighbors or friends.

Periodic special deals, or service upgrades can effectively retain clients and motivate them to choose your service consistently.

Always provide exceptional service

High standard of cleanliness and customer service is very important for client retention. Quality service makes satisfied customers, and they are more likely to return and recommend your business.

You should also encourage feedback, whether through online reviews or testimonials. Don’t be afraid to ask your clients for a review, since this is one powerful tool to build your business’s reputation, and is essential in strategies on how to get clients for a cleaning business.

How to Get Residential Cleaning Clients

If you want to focus on house cleaning, you need to customize your services to address the specific demands of residential clients.

Provide flexible scheduling options, try incorporating safe and eco-friendly cleaning products, and provide a range of services. Some may need deep cleaning, others want routine maintenance, but include additional services such as window washing, carpet cleaning, and cabinet cleaning.

Some people have pets, or problems with allergies, and if you take care of these aspects of residential cleaning, you can enhance your reputation as a comprehensive provider for home cleaning.

Providing what they need is the best answer to the question of how to get house cleaning clients.

How to Get Commercial Cleaning Clients

Customize your cleaning solutions to address the distinct demands of commercial environments, including offices, retail locations, and industrial spaces.

Focus on providing thorough sanitation, especially in high-traffic areas. Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations specific to each industry. If you demonstrate expertise in handling complex commercial cleaning requirements,  you can establish your business as a reliable partner for any organization’s maintenance needs.

This strategic approach is crucial for those wondering how to get commercial cleaning clients and seeking to build a reputation as a trusted provider in the commercial sector.

overcoming challenges in getting cleaning clients with trafft
Image by pch.vector on Freepik

Overcoming Challenges in Getting Cleaning Clients

Securing cleaning clients doesn’t come without challenges, from fierce competition to fluctuating demand. Understanding how to overcome them is crucial for the growth and stability of your business. By identifying common obstacles and implementing targeted strategies, you can turn potential setbacks into opportunities for improvement. And here is how!

Distinguish yourself from competitors

Cleaning industry is highly competitive, and if you want to get more cleaning clients, you need to specialize and cater to specific client demands that are not widely addressed.

This may involve eco-friendly cleaning practices that appeal to environmentally conscious customers, or adopting advanced sanitization technologies that promise deeper cleanliness. Allergen-free cleaning can also be a key differentiator, catering to clients with allergies or sensitivities.

Also, steam cleaning which eliminates germs without chemicals can attract health-conscious clients. To effectively get clients for a cleaning business, make sure your team is well-trained in these specialized cleaning techniques and can clearly explain their benefits to potential clients.

Form competitive prices

It’s important to price your services competitively to attract clients while still maintaining the value they perceive in your offerings.

Don’t just copy someone else’s prices, try innovative pricing strategies such as offering bundled services, which can include combinations of routine cleaning, deep cleaning, and specialized treatments at a reduced overall rate.

Always stay informed about the industry standards by researching how to get cleaning clients through optimal pricing, including how much to charge for house cleaning services and how much to charge for commercial cleaning.

Seasonal promotions can also be effective, targeting times when demand for cleaning services increases, such as during spring cleaning or post-holiday cleanups.

Deal with customer objections and rejections

Customers are not always going to be satisfied, and when you have to face customer objections, it’s important to have a thoughtful response ready. This is especially important when learning how to get more cleaning clients.

Whether they have pricing concerns, questions about service quality, or are not satisfied with your cleaning service, you need to have a well-prepared approach.

A step further you can take is to invest in comprehensive training for your team on empathetic communication and advanced problem-solving techniques. This training helps your staff handle rejections professionally and use challenging interactions to show reliability and commitment.

Recap: How to Find Clients for Cleaning Business

If you combine these strategies – online presence, engaging in target networking, offering customized services, and smart pricing strategies – you will be on a good path to get clients for cleaning business.

Successfully keeping and acquiring new clients calls for persistence and flexibility. Your business needs to keep evolving, as the customer needs and market conditions evolve.

Stay open for new ideas, try out a perfect cleaning business booking software, and adjust your methods as needed to meet emerging demands.

Happy client acquisition! 

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Tijana Cuviza

Tijana Cuviza

Tijana Cuviza is a Content Creator with a deep appreciation for the power of the written world. She believes that good content can make a difference in the world, educating, inspiring and connecting people. Passionate about the potential of language to effect change, she seeks to enhance her skills and deliver content that provides real value. Likes various forms of literature, nature walks, playing games, and engaging in thoughtful conversations.