How To Advertise Your Cleaning Business And Get Clients

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Mastering marketing is essential for your cleaning business, whether you’re attracting new clients or retaining existing ones. 

A robust marketing strategy enhances visibility, reinforces your brand identity, and aligns with your company values. However, navigating the multitude of advertising options can be challenging. 

Before you start promoting your cleaning services, it’s important to first understand the basics of marketing. 

We’ll explore effective strategies on how to advertise your cleaning business, including tips on how to promote your cleaning business, market a cleaning business, and the best marketing practices for cleaning services. 

These strategies are recommended by some of the cleaning industry’s leading marketers, so let’s dive right in!

How to market a cleaning business – Setting Up the Basics

Decide on who your ideal cleaning client is

Knowing your ideal client is crucial for a thriving cleaning business. These are the people who will benefit most from your services and help your business grow. Let’s explore who your ideal cleaning client could be and how you can create a profile to target them effectively. 

Your ideal client profile may encompass various demographics and lifestyles. For instance:

  • Elderly individuals who struggle to maintain cleanliness due to medical conditions.
  • Wealthy individuals who prioritize convenience and are willing to pay for cleaning services.
  • Stay-at-home parents with young children who prioritize family time over cleaning chores.

For example, for elderly clients, focus on being considerate of their health concerns and offering gentle, thorough cleaning. On the other hand, if you have wealthy clients, emphasize the luxury and convenience of your high-quality services. And for busy parents, highlight how outsourcing cleaning saves them time to focus on family and other important things.

To make your marketing better, think about making personas or avatars that represent your perfect customers. Include stuff like their age, how much money they make, how big their household is, and what they like to do. 

This will help you make ads that really speak to them and make your business grow. When you understand and meet your ideal clients’ needs, you can make ads that they love. And by doing this, you’ll build strong connections with your customers and keep them happy for a long time.

Develop your brand

Branding is about more than just your logo or colors. While these are important, there are other key things to think about when building your brand.

Your brand encompasses the entirety of your service, client interactions, and reputation. To ensure your company stands out as a strong brand, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I prioritize creating positive first impressions with clients?
  • Does my team and I maintain a high standard of personal presentation?
  • Am I consistent in my offerings to clients?
  • Do I use good quality cleaning products?
  • Do I communicate effectively with my clients?
  • Does the company appear professional and approachable on social media?
  • Do I consistently deliver a high level of service?

These questions largely revolve around your customer service philosophy.

Reviewing these points will allow you to provide an excellent level of service to your clients. Many of your competitors may not take all of these factors into consideration. This approach is key to successful marketing for cleaning services, giving you an advantage over competitors.

Research your competitors and improve your service

Consider hiring other cleaning companies to tidy up your home. This not only provides a convenient service but also offers valuable market research opportunities.

Observe how these companies clean your house and take notes on areas you’d like them to improve. This perspective allows you to see things from a client’s viewpoint and learn from the mistakes of others.

On the other hand, if they impress you with their methods, make note of that too. It’s a great way to identify areas where your own service may be lacking.

Many businesses get stuck offering the same standard of service over time. By observing other companies and their practices, you gain fresh insights into your own service. This can help you address potential problems or pick up new techniques.

If you have other staff members in your business, consider having another company clean their homes too. This gives your staff a chance to experience things from a client’s perspective and ensures they return to a clean house.

Sell the benefits, not the features of your service

selling benefits is the best marketing for cleaning businesses

A very popular marketing stance is to sell the benefit, not the features. This approach is crucial for success in how to market a cleaning business.

When considering how to advertise your cleaning business, do not focus solely on the technical features of your services. You want to give your clients a motive to use your service, not just an overview of the services provided.

Attractive benefits could include:

  • Low prices (Learn how to determine prices for house cleaning and commercial cleaning services )
  • Additional services such as window washing
  • Frequent cleaning intervals to make sure the place is kept clean

The benefits you choose to include will depend on the target client. While you should tailor your marketing to your clients’ individual needs, all clients generally want:

  • A clean home
  • Good value for money
  • Reliable trustworthy service
  • Minimal contribution on their part

How to Promote Your Cleaning Business Online

Develop a conversion-focused website

A conversion-focused website is essential for turning a visitor into a client and is a key component in how to market a cleaning business. A website should offer all the necessary information about your business. A good website will act as:

  • A marketing brochure
  • A description of your services
  • A business card with all of your contact information
  • A salesman

Given its multiple roles, your website should be considered the virtual home of your business. If your business is recommended by word of mouth,  potential clients can find all they need on the website, and it often acts as a first impression to potential clients.

You want your website to offer all the relevant information a client might need, including a description of the benefits and features of your services. It should be easy to navigate, encouraging visitors to sign up and become clients, thus playing a pivotal role in how to promote cleaning services.

It should also highlight the value of your services, convincing clients to choose you over the competition, in line with best marketing practices.

A great customer experience requires outstanding website performance. Ensure you conduct regular technical audits to check your website’s health, security, and usability. Remember, customer satisfaction highly depends on availability, website ease of use, and page speed.

Your contact information should be easily accessible and clearly indicate your location. The website should be designed to direct visitors to contact you, thus increasing your business leads.

Visit some competitors’ websites for comparison. Make adjustments where needed to make your website more intuitive and appealing. When comparing your website to that of a competitor, ask yourself “would I choose me?”.

Use the Best Possible Booking App on Your Website

Staying organized has never been easier.

You can now manage your business and grow your brand with a single, powerful software that keeps all of your appointments in line, your clients organized and your business booming.

Trafft is the perfect cleaning business software for business owners who need to streamline their booking experience both for their staff and their clients.

Trafft handles everything for you, even sending automated email or SMS reminders to your clients. No-shows? Not anymore!

The Trafft booking software adapts to different industries for a blissful online booking experience and employee management.

This is how Trafft can help you boost your advertising strategy: 

  • Facebook Pixel integration: Tracks conversions from Facebook ads, optimizes ads based on data, and builds targeted audiences, enhancing strategies for how to advertise cleaning services effectively.
  • Reserve with Google: Allows clients to book cleaning services directly from Google Search and Maps, increasing visibility and ease of access.
  • Mailchimp and Sendfox integration: Supports automated email campaigns that engage past clients and attract new ones by promoting special offers, updates, or news.
  • Google Analytics integration: Provides insights into website traffic and user behavior, helping you understand which marketing efforts are most effective and where to allocate your resources.

Want to know more? Check out Trafft’s awesome features to see what you are missing. 

Trafft is FREE for up to five users, so sign up today and watch your cleaning business grow!

Use remarketing

When prospective clients visit your website, they may not always decide to use your services. You can have the most attractive and optimized website but conversion is not guaranteed.

One reason is that many people don’t make immediate decisions. To address this part of human nature, you can use retargeting ads, an effective strategy for marketing a cleaning service.

Retargeting ads will appear to individuals who have previously visited your site. This serves as a reminder of your services and may encourage them to revisit your site, increasing the likelihood of a conversion.

Try out SEO – One of the best marketing for cleaning businesses strategies

Another way of optimizing the flow of traffic to your business is to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques for your website, a top strategy for promoting your cleaning business.

Depending on the scope of your cleaning business, ensure that your website content accurately represents it. You only want customers to find your website if your service is relevant to them.

Ensure your website content includes relevant search terms to allow search engines to direct the appropriate traffic to your site. Consider the keywords a potential customer might use to find your services in a search engine. Leverage AI to identify and analyze what keywords a customer might use when searching for your services.

Earn more business with email campaigns

Email is an inexpensive and quick way to market and generate clients. A well-designed, conversion-focused website can help gather email addresses, expanding your contact network.

While generic newsletters can reach people by email, segmenting your potential client base is more effective. From there, customize your campaign to make it relevant to each segment.

Automated email campaigns can be set up to engage a past client for repeat business, playing a crucial role in marketing for cleaning services They can also be used to convert a new prospective customer. Email campaigns are easy to set up and are effective for expanding your business.

Send promotional emails to first-time customers that are short, concise, relevant, and engaging.

Including a link to your website offering further information should increase conversion rates. If you don’t have a website, provide your phone contact details instead. Make sure your contact information is clearly visible.

This approach not only helps in how to advertise cleaning services but also in effectively expanding your business.

Market your cleaning business locally by optimizing your Google Business Profile

how to advertise your cleaning business with Google business profile

To ensure your business appears at the top of Google Maps, optimize your Google Business Profile. Doing so will push your business to a higher rank when people search for cleaning businesses.

The first step is to set up a Google Business Profile. Then, optimize it to ensure it provides all the essential information to your visitors.

Include comprehensive details such as your opening hours and a summary of your services.

You can post captivating and informative pictures on your Google Business Profile. There are also ways to add posts to your page in a similar way to LinkedIn or Facebook, which supports efforts in how to promote your cleaning business. You can outsource a freelance marketer to help you professionally market your cleaning business.

Use Facebook Ads

how to promote your cleaning business with facebook ads

Facebook Ads is an effective tool for learning how to advertise your cleaning business. You can tailor your target audience based on factors like family status, life changes, and household income.

Analyze the demographics of your current clients and target similar audience categories with your Facebook Ads to boost your cleaning service marketing.

Facebook has a strong advantage in understanding the buying habits, desires, and needs of its users.

Using this information, Facebook can target your ideal clients based on their data or location. Facebook Ads also allows you to choose your budget when marketing cleaning businesses.

Shoot a promotional video

Not all potential customers enjoy searching for and reading about your cleaning business. Many might find watching a promotional video easier and more engaging – and this is also an answer to a question about how to advertise your cleaning business for free!

You don’t need any special equipment to shoot a good promotional video. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook allow you to produce quality videos using just your smartphone..

Customers look for a friendly and professional demonstration of who you are and what services you provide. In the video, reassure viewers that you are available to answer any questions and make sure to demonstrate how they can contact you.

Request reviews

Credibility is important to help you compete with other businesses. Ask your past and current customers to write a review of the service you provided. This will increase your credibility and promote your service above your competitors.

If you are strategic about your brand, you are likely already committed to providing excellent customer service.

Customers often quickly leave negative reviews but may not provide feedback if their experience was positive. Actively asking for reviews can encourage more positive feedback.

Try and get positive reviews on a variety of platforms:

  • Positive reviews on Google will help your business show higher in Google searches.
  • Many consumers rely on tools like Yelp to monitor business ratings. Encouraging your customers to leave a positive review on Yelp will help generate new business.
  • Facebook is a powerful tool with a vast number of users. If you have positive reviews on Facebook you will generally be more visible on search engines and Facebook alike.

Using this information, Facebook can target your ideal clients based on their situation or location. Facebook Ads also allows you to choose your budget when marketing cleaning businesses.

How to Market a Cleaning Business Offline

how to market a cleaning business offline with business cards and flyers

As a cleaning business, your primary target is likely clients in your specific location. It’s a good idea to advertise your cleaning business using flyers in local shops. 

Consider distributing flyers in local shops close to homes or businesses that are your ideal clients.

When using flyers make sure there is a bold headline and attach a few business cards that can be taken by interested people. These cards will serve as reminders of your services, similar to retargeting ads.

Participating in community events and local sponsorships are excellent strategies for marketing your cleaning business and demonstrating your commitment to the community.

Meet potential cleaning clients at trade shows

how to advertise your cleaning services at trade shows

Attending trade shows is a direct, in-person method to market your business, offering an alternative to digital or postal strategies.

Setting up a booth at a trade show may involve a small cost. Considering this expense, it’s important to attract potential clients effectively.

One way to do this is by conducting cleaning demonstrations. For instance, you could showcase how to remove tough stains from a carpet sample.

A cleaning demonstration attracts more attention when it shows a dramatic transformation, so a before-and-after visual demonstration is useful.

This approach not only captivates the audience but also serves as a direct promotion for your cleaning business.

Network with others to promote your cleaning business

Establishing personal connections by meeting prospective clients in person can significantly enhance your marketing for cleaning services. This strategy not only increases the likelihood of gaining new customers but also enhances the probability of receiving customer referrals.

Network with other businesses and professionals in your local area. Having a community spirit could turn these contacts into potential clients. Participate in community events to meet potential customers and expand your network.

Think Outside of the Box

marketing for cleaning services idea

To advertise your cleaning business, consider diverse marketing techniques. A cleaning business means the work takes place in an offline environment, so this is where you are most likely to catch a potential client’s eye.

Local businesses are usually happy to set your business cards and flyers out for free. By reaching out to local businesses you might be able to take advantage of some other forms of free promotion they are willing to offer.

There are many other options when considering how to advertise your cleaning business. One way is to advertise your business using your car. This doesn’t have to involve expensive vehicle graphics.

You can buy branded magnets to fit on your car, which can be taken off when needed. Many people won’t see your flyers in local businesses. Seeing your business advertised on the side of your car may be the only way they get to know about you.

Consistently Do a Good Job

The cornerstone of how to market a cleaning business is consistently delivering high-quality service. If your customers trust you to do a good job, then your reputation will grow. Your good reputation can help you get repeat work and generate new referrals.

Make sure your staff have the same outlook and respond well to customer requests and needs.

Your customers will feel like they are getting good service if you show you care about quality. They are more likely to accept higher rates and refer you if they are impressed by the standard of your work.

FAQs About Advertising Your Cleaning Business

1. What are the most effective advertising channels for promoting a cleaning business?

Online advertising channels like Google Ads, social media ads, and search engine optimization (SEO) are frequently the best ways to market a cleaning company. Local directories like Yelp and Google Business Profile are also excellent for small businesses. In particular places, such as apartment complexes, print media like flyers or door hangers can also be successful.

2. How can I create an effective advertising message for my cleaning business?

Concentrate on your distinctive value proposition while creating an advertising campaign for your cleaning company. What distinguishes your cleaning company from the competition? Focus on your best qualities and the advantages clients will experience by hiring you. Include a call to action that motivates potential customers to act, and speak clearly and succinctly.

3. How much should I budget for advertising my cleaning business?

Depending on the size of your company and the extent of your advertising campaign, you need to allocate a certain amount of money for advertising your cleaning business. A decent general guideline is to set aside 5–10% of your overall sales for marketing and advertising. Yet, it’s crucial to monitor the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising efforts and modify your budget as necessary.

4. Is it better to advertise my cleaning business locally or regionally?

This is dependent on your company’s objectives and the extent of your offerings. Local advertising is probably the most successful if you exclusively provide cleaning services in a particular region, such as a city or county. Regional marketing could be more successful if you have a bigger service area or provide specialized cleaning services.

5. What kind of promotions or discounts can I offer to attract new customers?

Consider promotions or discounts like first-time customer discounts, referral discounts, or discounts for bundling services in order to draw in new clients. Another choice is to provide free consultations or estimates to prospective clients, which can assist in developing rapport and confidence.

6. How can I leverage social media to advertise my cleaning business?

Have a social media presence on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and X to promote your cleaning service. Upload stunning images and videos of your work, reply to client comments and feedback and interact with other users. To reach potential clients in your service area, think about launching targeted social media advertisements.

7. What are some effective ways to generate positive reviews and testimonials for my cleaning business?

Encourage clients to submit feedback on sites like Yelp or Google My Business in order to attract favorable testimonials and evaluations for your cleaning company. Think about providing rewards, like a discount on their subsequent cleaning session, in exchange for a review. To demonstrate that you value consumer feedback, respond to any unfavorable reviews right away and in a kind manner.

8. How can I track the ROI of my advertising efforts for my cleaning business?

Use technologies like Google Analytics to monitor website traffic and consumer behavior in order to measure the return on investment of your advertising efforts. To find out which advertising sources are producing the most leads and conversions, set up conversion tracking. Use this information to appropriately adapt your advertising plan and budget.

9. Should I advertise my cleaning business in print media or online media?

Your target market and the size of your advertising effort will determine this. Print media might be more successful if you’re trying to reach older populations or certain local areas. But, internet media can be more focused and efficient for reaching a larger audience, such as social media ads and Google Ads.

10. What are some unique advertising strategies that can set my cleaning business apart from competitors?

Consider offering specialty services like eco-friendly cleaning or cutting-edge technology like UV-C cleaning to differentiate your cleaning company from rivals. Think about collaborating with nearby companies or groups to present joint promotions or discounts.

Another alternative is to demonstrate your company’s culture and principles to win over potential clients’ trust and loyalty. For example, you could emphasize your dedication to customer satisfaction or your usage of high-quality, environmentally friendly products.

Also, you can benefit from influencer marketing by collaborating with well-known local bloggers or social media influencers to market your products. Finally, think about going to regional gatherings or trade exhibits to meet potential clients and present your services in person.

You may set your cleaning company apart from rivals and draw in new clients by using these distinctive advertising techniques.

Looking for More Cleaning Business Resources?

For more tips and tricks on how to start, manage, and grow your cleaning business, check out the following articles:

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Tijana Cuviza

Tijana Cuviza

Tijana Cuviza is a Content Creator with a deep appreciation for the power of the written world. She believes that good content can make a difference in the world, educating, inspiring and connecting people. Passionate about the potential of language to effect change, she seeks to enhance her skills and deliver content that provides real value. Likes various forms of literature, nature walks, playing games, and engaging in thoughtful conversations.