Grow Your Gym With Trafft

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Have you always dreamed of owning your gym business but now feel burdened by all the day-to-day tasks that need to get done? The reality is that you are not alone. Many gym owners went into this venture because of their love of fitness and connecting with people but are now stuck doing the operational side of things 24/7.

However, you don’t have to be on a hamster wheel for your business to thrive. Even though the fitness industry is a competitive one, having the right tools and strategies in place can take you miles ahead of your competition.

To set you up for success, we prepared this comprehensive guide to show you how to grow your gym with Trafft. Get ready to dive in and discover all the features that can make your life so much easier!

How Can Trafft Help You Grow Your Gym Business?

Are you a bit hesitant that software can do so much for you and your business? Well, we understand the uncertainty. After all, you may have even tried a few different ones, but they seem to never work for you.

So, instead of leaving you in the dark to explore on your own, let’s shed some light on how Trafft can truly revolutionize your gym business. Whether you are trying to attract new members, maximize your revenue, or streamline your operations, Trafft is the right tool for you!

Make your gym available 24/7

Trafft's gym booking website example

Even if you don’t want your business to be open around the clock, making it available for booking can offer many benefits. In a world where most people are working nine to five, it can be challenging to find time and call to book a session with a personal trainer.

Additionally, coordinating schedules can be a lot of work, often leading to missed sessions and member frustrations. And how many people do you need to hire just so they can answer phones promptly? Depending on your client base, we can assume it’s many, and that’s a lot of extra capital to be spent on just one aspect of your gym’s operations.

However, by utilizing Trafft and creating a booking website, you can overcome these obstacles and let your members book a session at their convenience.

Your client base has different needs, but offering this kind of flexibility and accessibility can help you cater to most of them. Not to mention all the money you will save by minimizing the need for extra staff to manage the bookings.

Let your clients choose a specific coach

When deciding whether or not to sign up for a gym, community is a big part of the decision. People are social creatures, so connecting with others is an important aspect. You must create an accepting climate in your gym, so members feel welcome.

A great way to foster this sense of community is to let members schedule a session with a personal trainer of their choice. This will allow them to get attention and personalized guidance while building a positive and supportive relationship.

By utilizing Trafft, your clients can select their preferred coach upon booking a session. This approach lets them choose based on coaching style, exercise type, or personal preference without the need to explain.

Allow your members to book more sessions

This one goes hand in hand with building a strong gym community. If your members have a good momentum going with their gym buddies, let them book sessions that repeat daily, weekly, or monthly.

With Trafft, this can all be done in a single booking process, making it easy for your members to maintain their fitness routine while staying connected with their friends.

All they need to do is select a particular service and the number of repeats and frequency. By simplifying this process, Trafft lets your members focus on their fitness goals and avoid the hustle of constantly scheduling new sessions.

Grow your gym business by utilizing Trafft's recurring appointments feature

Offer online sessions

With people becoming increasingly aware of the importance of proper exercise, many look for a way to incorporate fitness into their busy schedules. This often means there is no time to go to the gym, but there might be just enough time to squeeze in a quick session at home.

With its integrations for Zoom and Google Meet, Trafft allows you to have your trainers offering online classes to clients who prefer to work out from the comfort of their living room.

This will also cater to specific groups, such as new moms or frequent travelers who may find it hard to commit to going to the gym a few times a week. The key is to reach new audiences by offering flexible solutions that fit their lifestyles, and Trafft can help you do just that!

Send reminders to your clients

Trafft's SMS reminders to ensure your clients never miss an appointment

No show can be a massive burden on any business, so minimizing them is often a priority for owners. Reminders are a great way to show your clients you care about them while simultaneously reminding them about their upcoming appointments. But sending them manually requires a lot of time.

So what can you do if you don’t want to spend more money on a few people who will send them? With Trafft, you can create reminders that will be automatically sent to your clients, pointing out their upcoming sessions. Even if your clients don’t check their email that frequently, reminders can be sent via SMS or WhatsApp, reducing the chance of missing them to practically zero.

By leveraging Trafft’s automated reminder feature, you will save both money and time and demonstrate impeccable customer service. It’s a simple yet effective way to improve attendance and maximize revenue.

Get to know your clients

Want to make sure members leave your gym feeling satisfied? Try utilizing some questions to gain a better understanding of who your audience is. Gathering information such as age, gender, preferred exercise type, or other questions, will give you a chance to fine-tune your services and ensure your clients are meeting their fitness goals.

The insights can provide guidance on how to grow your business further. You will see what equipment is missing, what classes would be a nice addition, and any areas of improvement. But collecting all this information can be a huge task.

However, with Trafft, you can gather all additional data with its Custom Fields feature. This way, you can learn something about your new members even before they come for a session.

An example of using a custom field feature to gather more information about the client.

Show how reputable your gym is

In order to grow your business, you need to attract clients who are beyond referrals. This can be challenging if people don’t have any insight as to how good your gym actually is.

Reviews are great testimonials that showcase the quality of your gym. They are also a great way to attract new clientele who may have found you on Google and are still unsure whether the membership is worth it.

Trafft offers a Ratings & Reviews feature that allows your clients to leave ratings based on their experience. So now, you can display your gym’s reputation directly on your website.

As for the reviews, just to be sure your members actually write something, you can utilize Trafft to send them a follow-up email. After they have had a session or a few of them, they will receive an email prompting them to share their experience.

Reward the most loyal members

Gym coupon design idea

Image by freepik

Fostering loyalty is an important step for growing your business. You need to show your members that you appreciate them and their dedication. One of the great ways to do this is to offer coupons with exclusive deals and discounts. These special offers should serve as special tokens of appreciation while encouraging continued engagement.

Trafft’s coupon feature lets you easily create, distribute, and track their usage. All you need to do is decide whether to offer a discount on membership, free sessions, or other incentives and let Trafft do the rest. The coupon feature is completely automated, so once your members book a certain number of training sessions, it will be sent to them without needing extra input from your side. It’s worth mentioning that everything is completely customizable, so you can set everything up however you like.

Introduce new payment methods

Many people simply prefer not to carry cash with them when they head to the gym, so offering flexibility when it comes to payments will help you cater to wider audiences. This doesn’t mean you need to pay to have a few POS terminals on site. Instead, consider implementing card transactions directly on your booking website so your clients can pay for a session upon scheduling it.

With Trafft’s payment integrations, you will be able to seamlessly accept online payments through:

  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • Mollie

Ending Thoughts on How to Grow Your Gym with Trafft

When it comes to gym management, efficiency, and innovation are paramount for staying ahead of the curve. With Trafft, you can transform your gym business from a time-consuming endeavor into a streamlined operation pivotal for growth and success.

By leveraging at least some of the features we mentioned, you can attract new members, maximize revenue, and offer a better experience for both staff and members.

From making your gym available 24/7 to offering online sessions and allowing clients to choose their preferred coach, Trafft empowers you to cater to your clientele’s diverse needs and preferences. Automated reminders and seamless payment integrations will further simplify every aspect of gym management, allowing you to focus on other parts of the business.

As you embark on your journey to grow your gym with Trafft, remember that success is not measured solely by numbers, but by the lasting impact you make on your members’ lives.

Need any help with promoting your gym? Here’s our gym marketing guide to help you attract new members. Or, if you are just starting out, we recommend you read our beginner’s guide to opening a gym to help you understand all the necessary steps.

On the other hand, if you feel ready to dive in, head to Trafft’s sign-up page and try all the features we mentioned plus so much more!

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Barbara Stankovic

Barbara Stankovic

Barbara Stankovic is a Content Creator who enjoys exploring diverse perspectives and crafting compelling narratives. With more than 3 years of experience in content writing, she always strives to create materials that inform and entertain. Drawing from her background in psychology, Barbara brings a unique understanding of human behavior to her works. Beyond exploring the complexities of the human mind and emotions, she also loves hiking, reading, baking, and spending time with her two dogs.